All posts tagged CIA

The Issue isn’t Transsexuals in the Bathroom- It is that Rich Pedophiles are Raping Your Children- and Have Been for a LONG TIME NOW

So right now, everyone is focused on this issue of transsexuals and what bathroom they are supposed to use, but this is being used as a distraction to keep people from focusing on the fact that our children are disappearing in mass and that our elites are raping them in just as great of numbers. […]

New Paranoia Magazine Article: Lucien Greaves and this Satanic Movement Fraud- A Case of Extraordinary Deception

Lately we have been hearing a lot about this whole satanic fiasco in the media- being led by Lucien Greaves.  He threw a satanic rally for Florida governor Rick Scott, has brought satanic literature in the form of coloring books to Florida school children and has pushed satanic prayer preceding several public events around the […]

Concerning This Irrational Fear of “Being Programmed”

First of all, being “programmed” isn’t even possible, and calling what they are doing “programming” gives this group WAY more power than they really have. The human brain IS NOT a computer- and they are not able to fill it with code to make people to do things they don’t want to do. If this […]

There Isn’t A “Witch Hunt” Happening Just Because Society is Focused on Child Killing Pedophiles

Back in the early 90’s, a CIA based group of accused pedophiles claimed that society was engaging in a “witch hunt” and thus, gave us the coined phrases such as “false memories” and “satanic panic”. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation- (which has since been discredited- as we now know that there is no actual syndrome […]

Sheva Burton Working With Satanist Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves (Who Has CIA Connections) to Constantly Attack Me on Twitter

Honestly- I have no idea who this Sheva person is, although she claims that I have published lies about her on my blog even though this is the first time I have ever mentioned her here. She is promoting Satanist Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves twitter remarks when she isn’t posting 20 of her own a day […]