60Minutes just aired a segment dealing with the microwave attacks on Cuban and Chinese Embassy diplomats and basically they acted like these attacks where magic. Or worse- they might as well of claimed they were an attack from aliens from outer space. NBC news reported in 2006 that the US Air Force told Congress they […]
60Minutes BS Segment on the Cuban and Chinese Embassy Attacks
The Issue isn’t Transsexuals in the Bathroom- It is that Rich Pedophiles are Raping Your Children- and Have Been for a LONG TIME NOW
So right now, everyone is focused on this issue of transsexuals and what bathroom they are supposed to use, but this is being used as a distraction to keep people from focusing on the fact that our children are disappearing in mass and that our elites are raping them in just as great of numbers. […]
The Truth About the End Times….
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3304723/Missouri-town-rallies-support-pedophile-father-seven-jailed-abusing-girl-300-times-starting-just-five-years-old.html This is just one example why this world is ending and why the darkness is getting ready to claim so many who are here. Flat out- the world is so evil that most people believe that there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. The perversions are so ingratiated into our lives that […]
It Is Time Americans Take to the Streets and Start Marching Against Our Government
What with the black site in Chicago where citizens are being tortured, and the GOP writing a treasonous letter to Iran to try and get us into yet another war, and police killing 1-2 American citizens a day- the time has come for us to TAKE TO THE STREETS AND MARCH. It is obvious to […]
47 Republicans Committed Treason- and It Is Being Buried in the American Media
18 Code 953 – Logan Act: “Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign […]
Considering What Is Happening in America- We Should Be Anything But Proud
America has become fascist. No doubt about it. Below is an article where Bill Cosby, who has been accused of drugging and raping women, is now getting standing ovations. We honor a man accused of rape- because we want to celebrate his humor and in doing so we completely disbelieve the women. If it was […]
Obama’s Brain Initiative Being Implemented on Soldiers, Soon Anyone With Memories of Trauma Will Be Silenced
http://www.activistpost.com/2015/01/mind-control-pentagon-mission-to.html Obama’s “brain initiative” is an incredibly scary project. Basically giving trauma survivors a high tech lobotomy with lasers, it effectively “erases” the memories- and such techniques are being used on soldiers now who are coming back from war zones with PTSD. Claiming that they can control mental health- they have been diligently trying to […]