Yesterday I was despairing and angry and so I left this message on Facebook: “Lets be honest- other than a tabloid sense of curiosity- most could care less about the world around them. Child trafficking means NOTHING until it happens to a person- and then they want to cry and bitch never considering that they […]
Todays Info on What is Happening with Regards to Det. John Pankonin- Judge Marlon Polk, and Mayor Suttle regarding My Family’s Involvement in a Child Trafficking Ring
Remote Viewing and Mind Reading/Bending… Really?
The basic concept of the MKUltra project, in my personal experience, was all about energy work. Believing that “they” could open up a child through extreme trauma, forcing them to use the part of our brains that we don’t generally use- drugs, electroshock therapy, and torture was a part of that process. I have said […]
A Recap of Last Weekend’s SMART Conference in Hartford, CT
The SMART conference this past weekend was astounding- and in my impression, it was the best conference yet. No longer were we victims, nor were we trying to justify or explain ourselves this year, and, in fact, the whole attitude had changed from needing vindication to one where we all want to kick some ass. […]
Witchcraft-based child abuse: Action plan launched
Witchcraft-based child abuse: Action plan launched 14 August 2012 The government has launched an action plan to tackle child abuse linked to witchcraft or religion in England. High-profile cases include the murders of Kristy Bamu and Victoria Climbie but experts fear much more abuse is hidden. The key aims are to raise awareness and set […]
Ever wonder how The Government is Going to Get American’s Into Camps?
Another Example of How the Media Given Hero’s in America Are Anything But…
This was sent to me by an acquaintance on Facebook and I felt that it HAD to be published. Stay tuned for a recap on an incredibly powerful conference- and the detailed list of epiphanies that came to me throughout. Thanks so much for Neil Brick and the SMART conference- it opened my eyes in […]
Human Trafficking in the Heartland: An Intensive Two Day Conference on Child Trafficking and Survivor’s Issues
Text for link Online Ticketing for Human Trafficking in the Heartland: An Intensive Two Day Conference on Child Trafficking and Survivor’s Issues powered by Eventbrite Human Trafficking in the Heartland: An Intensive Two Day Conference on Child Trafficking and Survivor’s Issues An intensive two day conference on Child Trafficking and Survivor issues will be held […]
Peter Tscherneff talks about the Bohemian Grove
Private Prisons Spend Millions On Lobbying To Put More People In Jail Private Prisons Spend Millions On Lobbying To Put More People In Jail By Andrea Nill Sanchez on Jun 23, 2011 at 12:00 pm Yesterday, the Justice Policy Institute (JPI) released a report chronicling the political strategies of private prison companies “working to make money through harsh policies and longer sentences.” The report’s authors note […]
New Flier from Doug Millar Concerning Satanist Lt. Col. Michael Aquino
Doug Millar vs Lt. Col. Michael Aquino It is my personal opinion that Doug Millar is being set up by the powers that be, namely the justice department, esp. considering what just transpired this past week in court with regards to his arrest at the Bohemian Grove. Even though California State law dictates that charges […]