No One is Threatening Tere Joyce- It’s Just Another Lie

They’re desperately trying to get my social media taken down.

It’s just a coincidence I guess they got my TicToc channel taken down just the day before yesterday.


As you can see- I sent all this to law enforcement.

This was just yesterday’s screenshots. AGAIN- all this is just a coincidence that this is happening now.

David Shurter LIVE!If They Make Good on Their Threat of Me Disappearing-There’s A Few Things to Say

So Tere Joyce Randolph posts this today

But compare this to what she posted yesterday

See the lie? She was watching yesterday but today she WASN’T watching and a “friend” told her about it.

But regardless- I DID report it to police …

AGAIN- NO ONE IS THREATENING @NotMyRabbitHolewithTereJoyce


David Shurter LIVE!If They Make Good on Their Threat of Me Disappearing-There’s A Few Things to Say

Read the full post »

All of The Attacks From the Emails All Have One Thing in Common

They have all threatened me over Thomas Schoenberger- telling me to stop what I’m doing.

And it isn’t like law enforcement and investigators don’t know…

The Dead Issac Kappy Club (involved with child trafficking among a MYRIAD of other crimes) will brag that my local sheriff Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross is working to protect THEM- despite everything that has happened.


So If They’re Gonna Make Me Disappear – the Least I Can Do Is Bring an Audience to Witness

i thought I was through with signs in my front yard- but apparently not.

But that is because of this:

It was because of the video I did this morning…

See previous entry.

I’m just not going to make it easy on them- and maybe they’re right and no one will care, but something tells me in the end it WILL matter

It Was Even 10 Minutes- They Want to Make Me Disappear – Just as They Said

And it was immediately after I posted this


After Telling Me I Was Gonna Disappear- This Was JUST YESTERDAY’s Emails From This Group

And THIS is what they’re trying to do

These Were The Games and Attacks From The Child Traffickers JUST YESTERDAY

These Were The Games and Attacks From The Child Traffickers JUST YESTERDAY

So let me start with what I sent law enforcement:

Then here is Thomas Schenburger’s email to me:

I blocked out Tere Joyce’s info because she and Thomas- in my opinion -are working in conjunction with each other to try and get my all my social media taken down. And trust me- she would complain.

And here is what I got yesterday… These are all fake accounts.

And all of this was a result of the video I posted yesterday morning:

Have No Doubt- That Threat That I’m Gonna Disappear Was Meant for Me and ONLY Me-Despite the Games

Which I detailed yesterday with screenshots:

Have No Doubt- That Threat That I’m Gonna Disappear Was Meant for Me and ONLY Me-Despite the Games

And people wonder why I’m tired to dealing with these child traffickers.

Have No Doubt- That Threat That I’m Gonna Disappear Was Meant for Me and ONLY Me-Despite the Games

This is all connected to my previous post

And this happened afterwards today…

Their Threats and Attacks Rarely Stop for Long- I Just Received Another One

I did this video later in the morning concerning all of this…

If You Don’t Care About Victims-About Children-Then You DESERVE the Darkness. Period.



Received this last night…

So I forwarded it to Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross and other law officials with this …

And this was Tere Joyce just yesterday (I didn’t read most of them- as I don’t care what she says ..

And just to remind people, this was who Shelby County Iowa Sheriff Neil Gross put in his group email…


My Argument Why I Know Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross Can NOT Be Trusted- with Screenshots



Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross and the Child Trafficking Ring He Protects

My Argument Why I Know Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross Can NOT Be Trusted- with Screenshots

And in all fairness Tere Joyce Randolph responded…

@NotMyRabbitHolewithTereJoyce You’re SO LACKING as an Investigative Journalist- It’s Pathetic

This is the LAST Time I Will Deal with What Happened 40 Years Ago With My Nephew

Recent YouTube Videos Concerning Michael Aquino, Child Trafficking, Lucien Greaves, and the Dead Issac Kappy Club

Crimes Against Children Don’t Matter As Much as Your Want and Contentment so STAY STRONG IgnorantOne

David Shurter is live!Lucien Greaves,the Satanic Temple,the Dead Issac Kappy Club-It All Makes Sense

And this is the Iranian dude who’s name I couldn’t remember