Today’s Correspondence with “Andy Villa” aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple
This Is A Continuation of Yesterday’s Emails from Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple
My Local Officials Obviously Like Nazi Child Killers
I was sent these two emails last night… And so I sent it to local law officials and authorities in my town… Nothing will happen though, because officials in my town obviously love Nazi child killers. They would NEVER actually say that out loud- but their actions show it loud and clear. And […]
A “Conversation” with Andy Villa aka Lucien Greaves, Founder of the Satanic Temple
The Child Traffickers Are Obviously Planning SOMETHING And it’s THIS type of person Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross serves and protects. And at the same time Tere Joyce posts Daniel Doud’s post (Doud aka Pootie Twang -the dude sending me Live YouTube videos of my town when Owen ended up dead)… Which […]
Have NO Doubt- All This is Happening Because They’re Trying to Protect Their Child Trafficking BS
So Now I Guess I’m Going to Be “Issac Kappied”
David Shurter is live! Being Told to call 911 Wasn’t About the FBI But Was Rather Providence
David Shurter is live! Being Told to call 911 Wasn’t About the FBI But Was Rather Providence
After My Live Yesterday- the Child Traffickers Wanted Me to Know They Can Exploit However Many Children They Want
And as you can see, I sent it to police but they are the ones who sent me to an FBI field office that doesn’t exist so…. Child Traffickers Do What They Want Cause the Police PROTECT Them- David Shurter LIVE!Finding Myself at the FBI in Omaha Yesterday I NowKnow Why I was Told […]
David Shurter LIVE!Finding Myself at the FBI in Omaha Yesterday I NowKnow Why I was Told to Call 911
The Threats Have Gotten MORE Personal Now
New Live Vid and the Screenshots that Go With It
David Shurter is live!Today They Threatened Me With SA and Bragged That My Sheriff Will Never Help The Threats Have Gotten MORE Personal Now
The Threats Have Gotten MORE Personal Now
BE SURE TO READ THIS POST TO THE END (I’m adding to it as it comes in) So I HAD to ask a question … And it’s THIS group Neil Gross feels needs protecting. Which I told them … My Argument Why I Know Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross Can NOT Be Trusted- […]