All posts for the month September, 2018

More Evidence Concerning These Directed Energy Weapons and My Police Interview

Doctors reveal possible ‘neuro-weapon’ used in alleged attacks in Cuba These are the same weapons being used against me and so many others. This was shared on my Twitter page… Then yesterday this was left on my twitter page “I don’t know what intent they would have to target him. Microwaves fill our atmosphere, […]

Fiona Barnett, Isaac Kappy, and Myself Talking About Everything

This was an “impromptu” interview which started with Isaac Kappy and myself and during our conversation- Fiona Barnett joined in. There was an amazing amount of information shared in this two hour conversation. We speak about Franklin Credit, Michael Aquino, the VIP Arizona pedophile situation, and much more. Here is the link to my […]

The Symptoms of Being Attacked by Directed Energy Weapons

DEW symptoms: Causes headaches, intense psychological and physiological stress in that you can feel all your insides. It stresses the heart, causes insomnia, completely prevents deep sleep, and causes severe muscle aches. During a two month period it also made me lose over 100 lbs, caused me to wake with my face entirely swollen, and […]

The Jacob Wetterling Abduction Case ISN’T Solved, and I Am Not the Only One Who Disagrees With the FBI’s Conclusions Stearns County Sheriff Don Gudmudson is disputing FBI AL Gerber’s investigation into the Jacob Wetterling abduction that happened in Minnesota in 1989. And there is good reason. This 28 year old cold case was solved LESS than two weeks after my interview on the John B. Dell’s radio show detailing what I knew about […]

I Was Asked to Discuss the Tactics of Discrediting the Pedophile Protection Squad Uses

The targeting tactics this group uses to go after victims and their advocates are vast and know no boundaries. Their goal is to discredit anyone who stands against their child trafficking enterprise, to prevent anyone from listening to them, and hopefully to silence the whistleblowers permanently- esp by death. Years ago I did a video […]

After Watching Dutchsinse’s New Video- Who was Obviously Threatened- I Feel Compelled to Comment

I used to call Dutchsinse the “earthquake guy” as he does a remarkable job of reporting earthquakes- but listening to what he had to say in his new video, it is a pretty good guess that he has been threatened. This is the comment I left for him… “In the End Times- which we […]

Amazing Interview with Fiona Barnett and Issac Kappy

I have been ultra critical and suspicious of Issac Kappy but I agree with everything that was talked about in this interview. Also- before people judge the vest the one of the interviewers is wearing- he just seems like he is a “rocker” and he is Australian so I personally don’t believe his clothing choice […]

Russia Is Being Blamed For the Directed Energy Weapons Used at the Cuban and Chinese Embassies

First these weapons were conspiracy theories. Then these attacks were blamed on what could only be considered magic. NOW they are real- but being blamed on Russia. However- the United States owns every patent concerning these weapons- and they have been deploying them for some time. In 2006- NBC reported that the US Air Force […]

This Child Trafficking Issue is Huge So NO ONE is Going to be THE ONE to Break It

This mess has been happening for a long time- headed by our government and the CIA and fueled and promoted by Hollywood- as each part works in conjunction with each other. Although Michael Aquino is a key figure in this- he does not solely control it. There are MYRIADS of people involved- as it is […]

John B. Wells is Now Attacking Fiona Barnett

I am BY FAR not the only victim of this mess that the opposition is trying to silence. They murdered Max Spiers for trying to expose Michael Aquino and this mess concerning the mass killing of children with the SAME weapons they are trying to murder me with. Lori King was murdered and they […]