All posts tagged mkultra

How Satanism Is Used as a Smoke and Mirrors Concerning Child Abuse

Satanic Panic is a phrase many of us are all too aware of. The minute we think of it, we dismiss is as a debunked conspiracy theory about hundreds of children nationwide and their parents who were under this mass delusion that children were being abused in their preschools by a bunch of “well-connected” people […]

Using What I Was Taught in the MKUltra Program

The MKUltra program is often considered a mind control experiment, where by assassins, human sex toys, and the like are programed. For me it was something different. I was “opened up” psychically, and much of my training as a child was focused on “remote viewing”, where I was taught I could mentally go to any […]

Obama’s Brain Initiative Being Implemented on Soldiers, Soon Anyone With Memories of Trauma Will Be Silenced Obama’s “brain initiative” is an incredibly scary project. Basically giving trauma survivors a high tech lobotomy with lasers, it effectively “erases” the memories- and such techniques are being used on soldiers now who are coming back from war zones with PTSD. Claiming that they can control mental health- they have been diligently trying to […]

Contrary to the Pedophile Lobby- Dissociation Isn’t a New Concept

Regardless of the False Memory advocates claim- dissociative identity disorder- once called Multiple Personalities- isn’t a new concept- and it didn’t begin with the book Sybil. Contrary to what they say- it wasn’t a fad but was discovered and spoken about in the later part of the 18th century. Frenchman Pierre Marie Félix Janet (30 […]

Some Details About My Conditioning/Programming In the MKUltra Program **TRIGGER WARNING**

Many people have asked me to give specifics of my programming, and so I have decided to detail some of the things I went through. This could be incredibly triggering for some- so please read no further if you think this article could affect you in a negative way. I just feel that it is […]

Re-evaluating My Role in Advocating for Survivors of MKUltra and SRA

I have spent some time lately lamenting over the activism I have been involved with and the consequences It has had on my life after I attended a survivor conference and dealt with the group of people I have been trying to help. Granted- most of the attendees to this conference were women- and many […]

A Brief Summary of What I Have Been Doing on This Blog Part 1&2

I have decided to upload the original manuscript of Rabbit Hole- A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors Story online- under its working title Confessions of an Antichrist, since there was a lot that was cut in the editing process and I decided to let people read what I initially wrote.  There is quite a bit that […]

Lest We Forget- An Atrociously Written Memorial By Joanne C. Shurter about My Father

I have taken some time off from my struggles with all of this to regroup and regain my equilibrium, but this morning I feel compelled to answer my half sister Christina and post what her mother sent my sis and I after my father’s death. It shows that there was no love between my step […]

Some Thoughts on Satanic Ritual Abuse and the Group of Young People on Amazon that Claim it Isn’t Real

It has recently occurred to me that most of the group I have been arguing with on Amazon are mere children- who have no idea what it was like in the past. Comparing the reporting of childhood abuse of the past to what it is today- they go on and on about those who have […]

Targeting Just Comes with the Territory- and Nick Bryant’s Conversation with Me Today

The reason why I have been able to do this for as long as I have is that I have become accustomed to betrayal in such a way that although it is painful and disappointing, it is never an all consuming issue and generally is expected to come with the territory. Does it make me […]