The US CIA is claiming victimization claiming THEY are victims of directed energy weapons. This was a FOX news story a week ago… So I guess this could be true IF you believe the CIA doesn’t know that our US Air Force didn’t go in front of Congress in 2006 to tell them they had […]
Our CIA Is Claiming Victimhood
Their Crap is Collapsing- and They’re About to Reap What They Have Sewn
Nazis DIDN’T take over. Mankind as a whole has NOT embraced hatred and derision. And now their crap is slowly being brought into the light. Despite all their efforts. But it is just beginning. The darkness of which they have “served” (although it could EASILY be argued that all they have served is THEMSELVES), is […]
Now They Are Trying to Suggest That I Personally Am a Satanist
They are doing what they have all along- trying to discredit me in order to keep anyone from listening to me- and going out of their way to make my life hell. They don’t do this to their own. I am NOT a satanist and I truly believe they are about to face Heaven’s retribution, […]
I Believe Qanon is a CIA Operation. Here Is Why
I’ve spoken about my distrust about Qanon often but here is the main reason why I believe Qanon is a CIA operation. Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple has spent his entire career discrediting victims who have come forward alleging being victims of satanic ritual abuse and yet has failed […]
All of the Coincidences that Have Occurred After My Argument with Doug Mesner on Twitter
I posted I got into an argument with Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple on Twitter on my blog a month ago. Someone Else’s Article About Their Involvement with Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple In our conversation, he constantly tried to bait me into posting the […]
The CIA is Involved with Shutting Anyone Who is Trying to Expose this Child Trafficking Down
The CIA’s MO is always the same. They make videos and go all over social media trashing a person in order to defame them. I certainly have been a victim of this- although most if not all have been made by those directly connected with Satanism. Then they take out protection orders- as they did […]
60Minutes BS Segment on the Cuban and Chinese Embassy Attacks
60Minutes just aired a segment dealing with the microwave attacks on Cuban and Chinese Embassy diplomats and basically they acted like these attacks where magic. Or worse- they might as well of claimed they were an attack from aliens from outer space. NBC news reported in 2006 that the US Air Force told Congress they […]
“They” Don’t Like Me Talking About the Mold They Are Using in Conjunction With Their DEW Weapons
They dislike me speaking about the weird metallic mold they use with their DEW weapons. It amplified their weapon- and I found it both on the top of my bedroom air conditioning vents and on cement pieces planted in my yard on 12 pieces surrounding my house. This is important. A year ago last March […]
The Connection Between Jacob Wetterling and JonBenet Ramsey
Two cases- both freezing cold- suddenly solved within a month of each other. Hmmmm I couldn’t understand why they are suddenly “solving” these cases- but now I understand. The common denominator in BOTH of these cases is that the REAL perps are connected to this government sanctioned MKUltra program (as Monarch isn’t real- but is […]