All posts for the month December, 2016

Hoaxtead Explains the Psych Ops of Franklin Credit Down to a Tee

‘Believe the Children’, Mach 1 They could NOT have explained the psych ops operation that took place in the 80’s to shut this down BETTER! But a FEW points… John DeCamp was WELL KNOWN BY MANY as a pedophile by people who knew him in Nebraska. And his constant trips to Thailand were no secret. And […]

An Important Development…

So I make my challenge to Paul Bonnaci yesterday- and Hoaxtead starts speaking about Franklin Credit DIRECTLY afterwards. NOW my sister just told me that Det.John Pankonin- the cold case detective who has been involved with the Chadek case and the one who sent HIS sister Tru into mine and my sister’s lives after I […]

UK- It is Time For You All to Come Together and Take a Stand!!

After reading Hoaxtead’s latest post- if I was Kristie- I would get together with all those at Shirley Oaks, the Hollie Greg camp, the Melanie Shaw camp, and with ALL THE OTHER FUCKING VICTIMS- and start working together to show that there is an OBVIOUS FUCKING ISSUE in the UK. JUST AS THERE WAS IN […]

A Proposal To Paul Bonnaci- Famous “Victim” of Omaha’s Franklin Credit Union…

To Paul Bonnaci Okay- so I know that you and your pal Noreen Gosch are going around telling people how full of shit I am- and so I have figured out a way that we can put this all to rest. You see- you have a UNIQUE POSITION in that MYRIADS of people believe you […]

Just Saying…

To all of our fucked up “leaders” who serve the Order… If you think you are victims NOW- JUST WAIT. 🙂

Well Now That We Can Blame Russia For EVERYTHING- I Guess Everything Now is Just Fine…

***** LMFAO- NOW Hoaxtead is claiming that America is talking about “pizzagate” because we all HATE pizza places. Have they had a chance to see how FAT American’s are? WE SO DO NOT HATE PIZZA… ***** Narcissists NEVER take responsibility for their own shit. Take Hillary. Her losing had NOTHING to do with her BAD […]

Fake News…

I find it amusing that the very people who have constantly GIVEN us fake news are now the ones BITCHING about fake news. And even THIS is a lie- because what they are upset about is that the TRUTH is finally getting out and they can’t control it or spin it with their propaganda machine. […]

Pizzagate, Hoaxtead, Shamanism, and Accusations- More of My Posts From Facebook…

***** So I want to deal with this comment on Hoaxstead. I HAVE tried to help- not only get justice for the murdered children my family was involved with- but I ALSO have done my best to network people together so that they can help each other. Do I have a donation page? Yep. Why? […]

Alex Jones, Hoaxtead, Pizzagate and the Peophile Protection Squad… More Postings on Facebook

***** Alex Jones is a shill- they have A LOT of them in this. They are controlled opposition to control the narrative of this mess. And THAT is exactly what they are attempting to do. Jones is NOT to be trusted- he reached out to me- then after he found out who I was- disappeared […]

A Few Update Posts on Facebook…

So Pizzagate is dying off? REALLY? Hoaxtead is sweating the fact that people are linking IT with Hampstead. And they do NOT seem to like it. lol “”””” Christmas is SO not about love anymore. I have to stay home so I don’t slaughter these Christmas lovers who will run your ass DOWN to get […]