–business.html Our wealthy leaders have now passed a law that is going to take away a vast amount of money from our nation’s most vulnerable- once again stealing from the poorest people in order to give it to the the rich. Bringing us closer to a real life version of the “Hunger Games”, they have […]
The Need for a Re Awakening of Respect for the Sanctity of Life
“Your story, it’s not boring or ordinary. We just get the one life you know- just one- and you can’t live someone else’s or think that it is more important because it is more dramatic. What happens matters, maybe only to us- but it matters. I just wanted you to know that.” Lines from the […]
Article on Child Sex Exploitation including Jerry Sandusky and Franklin Credit Children Under Attack: A Culture of Unpunished Exploitation 1/2 This is an incredibly good article that was sent to me via my blog today and I wanted to give people a chance to read it. However- I want to put in a few comments of my own. It is no secret that I do […]
10 “Conspiracies” That Are No Longer Conspiracies
I know that my last article sounds like some sort of conspiracy- but here are some examples of events once thought as conspiracies that have later proven true.,+but+proven+true,+no+matter+how+absurdly+unbelievable+you+may+find+them.%0A%0ASent+using+ShareThis
Obama’s Brain Initiative Being Implemented on Soldiers, Soon Anyone With Memories of Trauma Will Be Silenced Obama’s “brain initiative” is an incredibly scary project. Basically giving trauma survivors a high tech lobotomy with lasers, it effectively “erases” the memories- and such techniques are being used on soldiers now who are coming back from war zones with PTSD. Claiming that they can control mental health- they have been diligently trying to […]
A Warning to Survivors
There are some who make a living by finding survivors, such as this author, and doing their best to discredit them. I have been working in the survivor community now for over a decade and have come across this group over and over. They dedicate themselves to trying to trash survivors in order to prevent […]
Pointing Out the Old Arguments That Have Been Used to Distance the Public From Considering the Validity of Satanic Abuse
I found the article below on my Facebook page this morning and wanted to comment on the article because it entails all of the arguments used to keep people from looking at the validity of satanic worship and what is really behind this mess. I wish to point out several inconsistencies to this argument- and […]
Another Argument From False Memory Supporters- The Number of Those Who Are Wrongly Accused of Being Abusers In the comments lay another well known argument that has been used for three decades from the people who support the False Memory Foundation- and that is their claim that myriads of people were accused and went to jail for abusing their kids when mischievous therapists convinced them that their parents had abused them. […]
Some Comments about the Comment Section on An Article in the New York Times Entitled “Me, Me, Me, and My Therapist” I have been reading the comment section of this article and I would like to take an opportunity to address some of the things that have been presented by those who are asserting that Dissociative Identity Disorder- which can be found in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV, or better known as the DSM IV, […]
Information on a Debate in the New York Times
o those who care – an article taking about Dissociative Identity Disorder was in the New York Times entitled ” Me,Me,Me and my Therapist”. What is really needed is for people to read and vote on the comments, as well as responding. Please consider taking some time to read the article and vote on the […]