All posts tagged hampstead case

The Hampstead Children Were Talking about Their Abuse BEFORE Abe Christie Came Along and Put Them on YouTube

I received an email this morning explaining to me that the Hampstead children were talking about their horrific abuse BEFORE Abe Christie came along and that those sessions were taped. This explains WHY these children have been used in this case as they have been, as they were ALREADY letting people know what was happening […]

Ella Gareeva and Her Involvement with the Cult in Hampstead London

So Ella ( the Hampstead children’ s mother) has an older son James whose father supposedly works for the cult. If this is the case, then Ella can’t feign the ignorance concerning the cult she has, claiming it was her repeated ex felon boyfriend’s three month involvement with her and the children that alerted her […]

The Games Being Played Concerning the Hampstead Case- A Detailed Explanation

Look, this whole dog and pony show that is going on concerning the Hampstead case in the UK isn’t really all that hard to understand- and when you look at the history of all of this- you will begin to understand this is how the game has ALWAYS been played. Right now, the royal family […]


(sorry about the spelling errors, which were pointed out by the Hampstead Supporters Spelling Mafia- I did this original post on my phone. Doesn’t change what I said though) It has been actually facinating- much like watching “reality” television, watching play their games trying to appear that they are trashing repeated ex felon Abe […]

Ella and Abe and Some of Their BS Against Me

John Graham Response from Ella + Abraham an hour ago: “We have been aware of David Shurter as a cointel disinfo shill for a while. This was confirmed when he lied about knowing Tavitrained Charlotte Ward/Jaqui Farmer, & then staged a fake public falling out with her in a “secret” Facebook group in order to […]

An Amusing Article on Hoaxtead About Me I was sent this today and wanted to comment on it. Not that I generally like to feed trolls- but this group has the same arguments that have been directed at me by the false memory pedophile squad here in America so I thought I would just answer some of their slams against me. […]

After My Interview with Ed Opperman on the Hampstead Case in the UK I have been somewhat amused at the reactions from my interview last night with Ed Opperman and have decided that I probably should deal with some of the things being said in order to clarify. First- Ed Opperman didn’t do this interview out of “revenge”. I actually called him and asked if he would […]

New Interview with David Shurter on the Opperman Report

Regarding the Internet Site “Hoaxtead”

It seems that there is a WordPress blog out there called Hoaxtead that has basically been set up to trash the mother of the Hampstead children Ella-and her partner Abe. I finally looked at the site tonight and I want to give my impressions of everything I have read. First off- it doesn’t deal […]

Video Sent to Me Dealing with Child Trafficking in Hampstead