All posts tagged franklin credit

The Recent Attack Against Me Was Breaking into My House and Hurting One of My Dogs

So very recently someone broke into my house and hurt one of my dogs. They didn’t take anything so I have to wonder what they were doing but in the process they kicked one of my dogs, causing her to loose her bowels in the house repeatedly when she has never done this before. And […]

The Game Being Played with Issac Kappy is Identical to the One That Was Played with Franklin Credit in Omaha in the 80s

Issac Kappy, an actor who was supposedly exposing the pedophilia in Hollywood, is dead. At least that is the story. Despite doing a Periscope video a day and a half before where he repeatedly stated that he was in no way suicidal, it has been said that he drove to Arizona and jumped off an […]

The New Links to My Interviews on Out of the Gate

These are the new links for my interviews that Out of the Gate did. Their channel was removed from YouTube without any strikes or warnings. Censorship of survivors and their advocates is a real thing for certain. Please consider subscribing to their new channel… their content is stellar! OOTG 77

Child Trafficking is Finally Starting to Come Out

George Pell, third in charge of the Vatican, was found guilty of child abuse and sentenced to 6 years. Spa owner Cindy Yang was the founder of the establishment where Patriots owner Robert Kraft was caught soliciting prostitution and now it is coming out how entangled Yang is with the Chinese government and how enmeshed […]

Franklin Credit and Satanic Ritual Abuse is NOT What I am Trying to Get Investigated

After reading the comments on Hoaxtead Research this morning I feel that I should state for the record that I am NOT trying to have Franklin Credit re-opened. This Sonya idiot claims she has debunked me- but what I am trying to get investigated is MY FAMILY. And they know absolutely fuck all about my […]

Doug Mesner/CIA satanist Lucien Greaves Concerning Inspector Turner and the Murder Of Lori King and Other Stuff…

***** ***** Omaha is CALLING OUT to be exposed lol. And I for one am going to head that call. Seth Rich tried- I am going to make sure that noble act was NOT in vain… but you know- in saying that- it makes me wonder- what exactly DID Seth put out there? I […]

My Interview Today with Michael Brownell on and

This is my interview with Michael Brownell on where we speak about the murder of Sean Boner- Troy Boner’s brother. Michael Brownell was sitting right beside Sean when he was murdered and we speak about the specifics of his death- and what was going on in Omaha at the time after Franklin. This link […]

Concerning the Jacob Wetterling Case with a Special Message to the Luciferian Cult

If I am Any Indication, It is No Wonder Why More Survivors Don’t Come Forward

Years ago, I came forward to try and find out any information I could about a man my father and step mother made me light on fire when I was 10- and since then, it has been nothing but constant attacks by a group of people who have done their best to discredit me in […]

A New Interview I just Did 11/16/2015 brand new interview I just gave today- 11/16/2015 on my Abuse- the Hampstead Case – and what is facing ALL OF OUR CHILDREN as a whole. Please listen