All posts tagged fiona barnett

Clarification on My Personal Experiences With the Omaha NE Pedophile Child Trafficking Ring

There Isn’t A “Witch Hunt” Happening Just Because Society is Focused on Child Killing Pedophiles

Back in the early 90’s, a CIA based group of accused pedophiles claimed that society was engaging in a “witch hunt” and thus, gave us the coined phrases such as “false memories” and “satanic panic”. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation- (which has since been discredited- as we now know that there is no actual syndrome […]

Concerning the Ranch Anton Scalia Was Murdered At “Worst person in the world found dead in Texas “rent boy ranch” playground for Mick Jagger and Charlie Sheen” So others seem to be grasping the point that this ranch is WAY MORE than it seems. In fact, it is a pedophile hunting ground in every sense of the world, and I wonder how […]

How Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Are Treated Globally- the Case of Dean Henry in Australia

The Games People Play Concerning the Cult with Regards to the Hampstead Case.

Since I did my interview with Ed Opperman about the Hampstead case- the games have become quite intense- as have the attacks. Since yesterday- it has gotten 64 thumbs down- but according to Ed- they aren’t listening to the interview but only spend a minute leaving nasty comments and marking it as a thumbs down- […]