All posts for the month August, 2018

If They are Dealing With Child Trafficking- How Is It Advocate Jenny Moore is Dead

Like so many others- another advocate trying to investigate this child trafficking mess is dead. Jenny Moore was an ex policewoman who was found dead in her hotel room. She had been investigating child trafficking. Her YouTube station was under the name Task Force and her are a couple of her videos: People are talking […]

The Sheriff Stopped By About the Dogs Again

I was given 10 days- and today was day 10. My lawyer has tried to contact both the mayor and the city attorney- however he has been unsuccessful thus far. This doesn’t surprise me considering our mayor Jan Gaul would not let me talk about it at the city council meeting. The complaint is anonymous […]

Their Game is to Present People and Situations That Can be Discredited to Discredit Everything as a Whole

It isn’t a new game as it has been used extensively and has worked very effectively in the past. In the 80s, in the US, it was McMartin- which, at the time, was the longest and most costly court trial in US history. Resulting in zero convictions- it was the case that shut everything down. […]

The Sherriff’s Dept Has All The Emails I Recieved

Including this whole exchange : This Is The Email Exchange Between Myself and IEATBABIES Who I Believe Is Doug Mesner aka John Kilrush aka Satanic Temple’s founder Lucien Greaves And within 30-45 minutes after I published this exchange was when my Gmail account [email protected] got hacked- preventing me from making a YouTube video about it. […]

Despite Going Through Hell- I AM in NO WAY Suicidal

This whole situation with my dogs is being done as an attempt to destabilize me in hopes I become suicidal. OR they want to hurt me and CLAIM I hurt myself- although doing such is COMPLETELY against my faith and would NEVER happen. There have been NO calls to the Sherriff’s office regarding my dogs […]

The Drama Surrounding My City Manager and Doug Mesner

I spoke to the Sheriff who has been working with me since I moved here with concerns to the break Ins and attacks and now I understand why things are playing out as they have. First of all, let me say I trust this Sheriff and realize that my belief that they are working like […]

What I Endure Trying to Get My Family’ Child Trafficking Mess Exposed

Right now I am fighting to keep my dogs based on anonymous lies that are negated by my neighbor’s signed declarations. Jan Gaul- Earling IA’s acting mayor- sent me an email telling me I could not come to a public town hall meeting and plead my case. The Sheriff ‘s dept told me they have […]

This Organized Pedophilia is NOT a Partisan Issue

There seems to be this push to make this organized Pedophilia about either the Democrats or Republicans. One or the other. But this is disingenuous and a lie at best, as it is BOTH. What we are fighting is not based on one political party- but the SYSTEM as a whole. There simply are no […]

They Are Now Using the City of Earling IA to Target Me

Right after I did my interview with Lift the Veil- my city manager and mayor sent the Sheriff out who told me I had 10 day’s to get rid of my dogs based on lies the city manager told them. I have letters from every single one of my neighbors disputing what the city said. […]

Instead of Making Salacious Accusations- I Have Consisntly, for Close to Two Decades, Have Focused on My Family and Their Involvement with Child Trafficking in Omaha

I have blog, a book, have done countless interviews- and never once- in all of these years- has my story ever once changed nor have I contradicted myself. My detractors will claim I was discredited by my John B. wells show when I spoke about Jacob Wetterling- but I would like to point out that […]