All posts for the month August, 2018

Isn’t It Strange All of the “Heroes” Exposing This Pedo BS Are Brand New?

I have spoken about controlled opposition who’s intentention is to discombobulate and confuse the issues surrounding this rampant pedophilia, and I have begun to realize this is happening once again. The game is to have them get widely known- then discredit them in order to discredit the whole situation. It has happened repeatedly- and it […]

You Have GOT to Listen to This Survivor!

I wish to refrain until further evidence comes forward. Until then I will remain objectively silent about this case.

Regarding the 1 Minute Video the Trolls Are Posting Everywhere They Can

The Trolls trying to defame me are posting a 1 minute video of mine that I posted a year or so ago- but considering that the original video was about 10 minutes in length- it shows how disingenuous they are with their editing. I DID attack my nephew when I was 13- which I have […]

My New Interview on Lift the Veil This Is The Email Exchange Between Myself and IEATBABIES Who I Believe Is Doug Mesner aka John Kilrush aka Satanic Temple’s founder Lucien Greaves “I recall Doug Mesner telling me the C.I.A. had asked him to write some private reports for them, maybe in my most paranoid state I could run with and […]

Now They Have COMPLETE Control of my davidshurter1 Gmail Account

It won’t even send me verification codes anymore… Again this happened IMMEDIATELY after posting my email exchange with Doug Mesner with him using the account IEATBABIES… This Is The Email Exchange Between Myself and IEATBABIES Who I Believe Is Doug Mesner aka John Kilrush aka Satanic Temple’s founder Lucien Greaves I know this is a […]

Fiona Barnett’s New Interview on Lift the Veil

“Controlled Opposition” IS a Thing and Is in Full Force with Hoaxtead Research

Sending in a “hero” on the side of your opposition in order for them to do crazy stupid stuff in order to discredit your opposition is a long and well known practice- and is in full force when it comes to Hoaxtead Research. One of their favorites is Angela Power Disney- who they have repeatedly […]

Why This Situation of Abuse Concerning Children Matters

Some might think that my trying to get my family investigated for child trafficking in Omaha in the 80s is a waste of time but here is why I am doing it. Doug Mesner aka John Kilrush aka IEATBABIES aka Justin Sanity aka Satanic Temple’s founder Lucien Greaves is obviously up Michael Aquino’s butt- shown […]