All posts tagged satanic temple

There Isn’t A “Witch Hunt” Happening Just Because Society is Focused on Child Killing Pedophiles

Back in the early 90’s, a CIA based group of accused pedophiles claimed that society was engaging in a “witch hunt” and thus, gave us the coined phrases such as “false memories” and “satanic panic”. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation- (which has since been discredited- as we now know that there is no actual syndrome […]

The Truth About the End Times…. This is just one example why this world is ending and why the darkness is getting ready to claim so many who are here. Flat out- the world is so evil that most people believe that there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. The perversions are so ingratiated into our lives that […]

So Did Satanist Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves Pay Taxes on Their Campaign to Build Their Devil Statue?

Satanist Doug Mesner/ Lucien Greaves has stated that they did a crowd funding campaign to raise the 100,000 dollars to build their devil statue and so my question is- did he and his little Satanic church, that he has stated ISN’T tax free- pay taxes on all that free money? That is my question for […]

After Receiving an Email from Satanist Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves- This Was Posted Immediately After My Last Email Exchange

doug mm 3:29 PM (1 hour ago) to joshua, me No, David. You must revise the posts in which these claims are made so that they do not make these claims any more. Let us know when you’ve completed this simple task. ______________________________________ [email protected] 3:49 PM (53 minutes ago) to doug I guess i ahould […]

The Question if Satanist Doug Mesner/Lucien Greaves Is Watching My Blog Is Now Answered

Apparently I was wrong when I said that the Satanic Temple is tax exempt- and would like to apologize. I just received this email from him an hour ago- and was amused that this guy can say all the libelous crap he does about me online- but whines like a bitch if I say anything […]

The Opposition is so Obsessed with Me and With What I Am Doing that They Have Made Two Videos of Me Just This Last Week Alone

I guess some guy who calls himself Vileance on YouTube has become so obsessed with me as of late that he has sat down and spent the time making two videos of me trying to trash me. Funny- I have never done this before- and don’t know anyone who has- but according to him and […]

Why The “Movement” To Expose and Fight Satanism is Never Going to Go Anywhere

I have been involved with a myriad of people over the years trying to expose satanic ritual abuse and how it is perpetrating horrible crimes against children- but recently I have concluded that this so called movement has gone nowhere, and it probably never will. I have my ideas why this is true- first and […]

Another Post By Doug Mesner- and Yet Another Retort

Man I get tired of this man-boy’s lies. However- this is all from someone who is the False Memory Foundation’s spokesperson- which includes people like Debbie Nathan- who says that our nation is too “hysterical” when it comes to sex with minors, and Elizabeth Loftus- who was run out of Seattle after she lost a […]

A Response to Doug Mesner/Luciean Greaves Article “David Shurter’s Epic Fail”

Although my initial reaction to this piece was to laugh it off as a failed attempt to attack me, I have come to the conclusion that perhaps I should answer some of the accusations and give my side of the situation. The fact that I have to respond to someone who has done his best […]