10 Cartoonishly Evil Crimes Committed by the FBI As you can see in this video, one of the primary goals of the CIA is to surround a person they deem as a threat as a group in order to discredit them by ways of misinformation and lies. This is what they have done to me […]
60Minutes BS Segment on the Cuban and Chinese Embassy Attacks
60Minutes just aired a segment dealing with the microwave attacks on Cuban and Chinese Embassy diplomats and basically they acted like these attacks where magic. Or worse- they might as well of claimed they were an attack from aliens from outer space. NBC news reported in 2006 that the US Air Force told Congress they […]
They Are ALSO Targeting My Sister with Their Directed Energy Weapons
My sister is experiencing the same torture I am- and it is causing her health to deterirate. Her doctors have also told her that her parathyroid cancer was a result of her being exposed to high doses of radiation. And all of her children are ALSO experiencing the same health problems, strongly suggesting they ALL […]
Info on Directed Energy Attacks On Others
https://youtu.be/oVCH_UWq8Zw They are claiming the attacks are Russian based- however, the US Air Force went in front of Congress in 2006 and said they had these weapons and they planned on using them on American citizens to show the rest of the world they were safe. So two questions- 1). Which Americans did they go […]
The Symptoms of Being Attacked by Directed Energy Weapons
DEW symptoms: Causes headaches, intense psychological and physiological stress in that you can feel all your insides. It stresses the heart, causes insomnia, completely prevents deep sleep, and causes severe muscle aches. During a two month period it also made me lose over 100 lbs, caused me to wake with my face entirely swollen, and […]
Russia Is Being Blamed For the Directed Energy Weapons Used at the Cuban and Chinese Embassies
First these weapons were conspiracy theories. Then these attacks were blamed on what could only be considered magic. NOW they are real- but being blamed on Russia. However- the United States owns every patent concerning these weapons- and they have been deploying them for some time. In 2006- NBC reported that the US Air Force […]
New NYTimes Article About Directed Energy Weapons Being Used Against the Embassies
Now the truth is finally coming out… Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers