All posts for the month November, 2015

My name is Michael Aquino, and I think it’s kind of fun to do the impossible; Ask Me Anything.

“Truth is stranger than fiction, or sometimes it just catches up. Remember that fun party in Eyes Wide Shut?” miichael aquino Read this site asking questions to Michael Aquino- which, in my opinion, is full of people helping to jack him off. No questions about the abuse allegations are allowed- just ones were Aquino can […]

Speech that Charlie Chaplain Gave That Stands True Today

Interview with the Mother of the Hampstead Children

A New Interview I just Did 11/16/2015 brand new interview I just gave today- 11/16/2015 on my Abuse- the Hampstead Case – and what is facing ALL OF OUR CHILDREN as a whole. Please listen

Detective Sergent Talks about the Hampstead Case and concerning the school’s head- and a letter from the legal team….!Hampstead-Cover-Up-Perverting-the-Course-of-Justice-The-Royal-Courts-of-Justice-sets-a-precedent-that-Court-Orders-do-not-need-to-be-followed/c9i2/5647965d0cf2e1ca27988ecd

Article About a Teacher in Hampstead who Got Away with Sex Abuse of a Child

This is an article I was just sent about Hampstead….

The Satanic Ritual Abuse Case of Hampstead

For those of you who are unaware of the Hampstead case, it mirrors what we saw here in the States concerning the McMartin case back in the 80’s. These children have claimed that they were being abused by a bunch of elites who were doing satanic rituals on the children. The same type of cover-up […]

A Research Study for Adult Survivors of Trauma and Ritual Abuse YouTube video concerning the Hampstead Cover-Up

A Great Site For People Who Want to Know More About the Hampstead Case Leon Britain had tattoos on his genitals, he was a friend of Janners who is child rapist from Hampstead, A and G drew pictures of tattoos on their rapists genital areas not a single one of the was examined, sure they are all in the same cult, that’s why they are putting so much […]

A Comment I Made on Facebook

You know, I am amazed at American’s today. Everyone hates the middle east and they are going on and on about how wrong the Paris thing is. And I agree- in no way was this moral, right, or just. But here is the thing. Here is a group of people who have had their countries […]