I have spent, in my opinion, an inordinate amount of time fighting with the False Memory Foundation’s PP Sqaud spokesperson- but this morning, after checking out the internet- after what was just said- I realize that this boy knows nothing about me, and is simply trying to diss me because I have spoken at Neil […]
Getting Back to Basics…
Concerning Facebook and Trolls- PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE
I am pretty certain, considering there have been those who have come out of nowhere and have ingratiated themselves onto many, MANY survivor’s accounts that there is a systematic attempt to invade, USE, and discredit those who would put personal information on the site. There are new survivors groups, built by people that are only […]
The History of the False Memory Foundation PP Spokesperson Doug Mesner/Misicko and His Attacks on Survivor’s
At this juncture, most know that the false memory foundations spokesperson, who is seemingly the main defender of its stance on pedophilia, is attacking and defaming a man by the name of Neil Brick- and his S.M.A.R.T. conference (Stop Mind Control and Ritual Abuse Today) that has been running 15 years now. Dropping the names […]
The False Memory Foundation’s Pedophile Protector Squad Spokesperson and His Crusade against Survivors
I have spoken of this person before- and for those of you who would like to know who I am speaking about- you only have to check out my blog at DavidShurter.com. However- since this boy has gone out of his way to try and get anyone who would speak about him in trouble and […]
Castlewood Clinic, Therapy, and the False Memory Pedophile Protector Foundation
Okay- so here is the situation. Supposedly, a Dr. Mark Schwartz- a doctor who practiced at a clinic called Castlewood in St. Louis, drugged up four women and implanted in their brains memories of abuse that dealt with eating babies, satanic cults, and such. Coming forward all at once, these four women- each with their […]
A VICTORY in the Fight Against Child Sex Trafficking in Nebraska
Today, thanks to Doug Heineman, Governor of Nebraska, who signed into law State Senator Amanda McGill’s bill LB 255- ! Fighting the continuous fight to do right by our children and keep them safe- this bill is a fantastic start to helping to stop the child sex trafficking that has become so prevelant in our […]
Castlewood Jury Tainted by the False Memory People and Plantiff’s Lawyers
http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/gag-order-is-sought-in-castlewood-lawsuits-over-brainwashing/article_cffba790-4ba9-54ca-9a4c-5d9036bff4d6.html If these women had such a solid case, why are their lawyers and the mothers of the plaintiffs tainting the jury spreading lies in order to persuade the group of twelve men and women to go one way or the other? Why is this case being tried in the media rather than in a […]
The Fight Against Human Trafficking in Nebraska- the On Going Battle
http://journalstar.com/legislature/human-trafficking-bill-would-make-minors-immune-from-prostitution-charges/article_e27154ba-4993-5372-b96a-5a226f4b634a.html I have found some great people who are very aware and concerned about the human trafficking situation here in the Midwest, and Nebraska Senator Amanda McGill and her staff are some of the very people that I am speaking about. Facing, what I would deem to be constant obstacles trying to pass legislation to […]
Another Whistle Blower gets Targeted and the Suddenly Disappears
Kathleen Taylor discusses her book “Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control.”