All posts for the month January, 2013

Douglas Misicko aka Douglas Mesner aka Why Do You Need So Many Aliases?

This is an invitation to respond to me on my blog- as I will publish your arguments in league with my own. I think that this is more appropriate than doing such on Amazon, and considering the hits that I get on my blog- it will reach a much bigger audience this way. I would […]

So Let Me Get This Right…

Rupert Murdock gets in trouble for eavesdropping on celebrities, and this creepy Jimmy Saville is supposedly one of UKs biggest- so your telling me that NO ONE suspected anything about Saville? How is that possible? You can’t have a huge eavesdropping case before you and then feign ignorance to something as large as what Saville […]

And So It Begins…

Douglas Mesner: Disinfo Agent Extraordinaire

I just so happened to run across a posting on Facebook that had a link to a society and culture page on that had an article written by Douglas Mesner entitled “Nightmare Psychiatry: Delusions of Satan, ET abduction, and the cultivation of false memories” that was so full of falsehoods that I feel compelled […]

Family Pics and Child Abductors Pictures

Here are four pictures- two of my brother Stephen and one of Jacob Wetterling’s abductor along with a pic of my father for comparison. Notice that the hair is parted and combed the same way as my father’s toupee, and the artist even got my father’s attitude in the picture that he drew. It is […]

Another Strange Connection between MKUltra, Omaha Events, and My Brother Stephen

I have detailed before that my brother Stephen was a photographer, both in the armed forces, as well as when he returned to civilian life. However, I never realized how close he was to the events that played out in 1975 with Senator Frank Church- who was a democrat from Idaho. Frank Church is important […]

MKUltra, Project Monarch, and and Explanation of the Connection between These and S.R.A.

First, before I go any further, I would like to warn people that I am about to write could be very triggering, as I wish to go into some of the things that happened to me during my MKUltra exposure as a child, and it might be painful for those who have also gone through […]

The Conjoining of the T.I. (Targeted Individual) Community with the Ritual Abuse/S.R.A (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control Community: True Power of Voice in the Making

Standing within both communities as I do, not only having been a victim of satanic ritual abuse and mind control when I was a child but also as a targeted individual who has experienced organized stalking and electronic harassment as an adult, I realize that these two groups couldn’t be more different. One thinks the […]

The Personal Devastation of Rape

With all the recent attention in the world on this fascination mankind has with raping each other, I feel compelled this morning to speak about what it is like living in the aftermath of rape. Having been raped so many times as a child, not only by my father and his third wife but also […]

Our Moral Apathy and the Degregation of the Desire to Help Others- The Ohio Rape Case

There is a rape case in Ohio being played out in the media and courts, and I wanted to take a moment to comment on the people who just hung out and watched as this event took place. Making jokes, tweeting about an attack rather than involving themselves in order to stop it, it is […]