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The Book That Caused a World Wide Mass Hysteria- A Hoaxtead Research Fable

Way back in the 80’s- there was once a book entitled “Michelle Remembers” that caused a world wide mass hysteria that included the US, the UK, and Australia. The 334 page book convinced the entire world that children were being abused in the most horrible ways by people who believed in the devil. People around […]

Hoaxtead and Their Ally Angela Power-Disney Get it WRONG AGAIN…

ummmmm- actually I have been saying OVER AND OVER that this is a psych op operation..

The Amusing Butt-Munching at Hoaxtead Research

I have to say that the UK government sponsored website that is trying to make a child abuse case called Hampstead into their US version of McMartin- which was the case in the 80’s that was used to cover up the same types of allegations as Hampstead that were happening in the 1000’s here […]

The UK Has Totally Disassociated From Reality

The other day- this article came out concerning the UK’s governments “new found stance” on pedophiles and child rape.  It isn’t so much against the rape of children- nor is it about getting those who have already been hurt justice- but David Cameron thinks that it is wrong for pedophiles to have books and abuse […]

New Paranoia Magazine Article: Lucien Greaves and this Satanic Movement Fraud- A Case of Extraordinary Deception

Lately we have been hearing a lot about this whole satanic fiasco in the media- being led by Lucien Greaves.  He threw a satanic rally for Florida governor Rick Scott, has brought satanic literature in the form of coloring books to Florida school children and has pushed satanic prayer preceding several public events around the […]

The Games Being Played Concerning the Hampstead Case- A Detailed Explanation

Look, this whole dog and pony show that is going on concerning the Hampstead case in the UK isn’t really all that hard to understand- and when you look at the history of all of this- you will begin to understand this is how the game has ALWAYS been played. Right now, the royal family […]


(sorry about the spelling errors, which were pointed out by the Hampstead Supporters Spelling Mafia- I did this original post on my phone. Doesn’t change what I said though) It has been actually facinating- much like watching “reality” television, watching play their games trying to appear that they are trashing repeated ex felon Abe […]

An Amusing Article on Hoaxtead About Me I was sent this today and wanted to comment on it. Not that I generally like to feed trolls- but this group has the same arguments that have been directed at me by the false memory pedophile squad here in America so I thought I would just answer some of their slams against me. […]