All posts tagged child trafficking

I Believe Qanon is a CIA Operation. Here Is Why

  I’ve spoken about my distrust about Qanon often but here is the main reason why I believe Qanon is a CIA operation. Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple has spent his entire career discrediting victims who have come forward alleging being victims of satanic ritual abuse and yet has failed […]

The Recent Attack Against Me Was Breaking into My House and Hurting One of My Dogs

So very recently someone broke into my house and hurt one of my dogs. They didn’t take anything so I have to wonder what they were doing but in the process they kicked one of my dogs, causing her to loose her bowels in the house repeatedly when she has never done this before. And […]

So Here Is the History Qanon Never Talks About

I have been asked why I believe that our government would be after me. Why would I, an unknown nobody, be targeted? The issue is that I know the history of Franklin Credit in Omaha, NE in the 80s on a personal level. The REAL history- not the “official” bs story that has been offered […]

Looking Back As My Life As a Whistle Blower

This Friday I turn 53 and it is often a time I look back at my life and reflect. (It is also a time where my nightmares come back full force as I relive my childhood at night when I’m asleep). I have done everything I can think of to get my parents investigated for […]

The CIA is Involved with Shutting Anyone Who is Trying to Expose this Child Trafficking Down

The CIA’s MO is always the same. They make videos and go all over social media trashing a person in order to defame them. I certainly have been a victim of this- although most if not all have been made by those directly connected with Satanism. Then they take out protection orders- as they did […]

This Epstein Mess Mirrors Franklin Credit in the 80s Incredibly

Mark Twain once said that “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes”.  In my experience, I think a better way to phrase it is that history echoes itself. It certainly is in my life right now. The situation with Jeffery Epstein is actually almost identical to the Franklin Credit scandal in Omaha in the 80s. […]

Issac Kappy – Another Child Advocate- is Dead

Supposedly Issac committed suicide- but none of the details make sense. Especially considering a day and a half before he uploaded a Periscope video saying repeatedly that he wasn’t suicidal and that if he ended up dead it would be because he was murdered. Issac was one of three of us on the forefront trying […]

Timothy Holmseth- Investigative Reporter Looking Into the Jacob Wetterling Case- is Jailed By the Same Means They Tried to Do to Me

Timothy Holmseth is an investigative journalist who has been investigating the Jacob Wetterling abduction- a 28 year old cold case that was “solved” LESS than two weeks after I gave this interview on the John B. Wells show Caravan to Midnight… Danny Heinrich, a man already in prison, gave a confession and told authorities where […]

I Figure This Is the End Game

Last Tuesday night, April 16th- around 9 pm- a chemical smell came in through a open window in my office- which is located directly beside the rural highway which is a few feet away- filling both my office and bedroom. The smell had an unusual and strong chemical scent to it- with a heavy ammonia […]

Child Trafficking is Finally Starting to Come Out

George Pell, third in charge of the Vatican, was found guilty of child abuse and sentenced to 6 years. Spa owner Cindy Yang was the founder of the establishment where Patriots owner Robert Kraft was caught soliciting prostitution and now it is coming out how entangled Yang is with the Chinese government and how enmeshed […]