Personally I Believe This “Thwarted Attack” at a Taylor Swift Concert is Theatrics aka A LIE

I Don’t Think GoDaddy Appreciated Them Breaking Into Their System

While they are mass reporting me on every platform I’m on with social media- THIS happened

They weren’t even sure at the time HOW this happened.

I told them who is after me. What they do is up to them- but at least they’re aware of this vulnerability.


They’re Systematically Trying to Take Me Down and Shut Me Up

Esp considering this ..


All at once, at the exact same time.

Gotta wonder what they’re scared of.

There’s a Reason Why Thomas Schoenberger is Now Droning On About Qanon

I got this and replied to authorities and investigative journalists this morning…

My Argument Why I Know Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross Can NOT Be Trusted- with Screenshots

First off now they are trying to break into my website

So this past February, I was being heavily attacked when my dear friend and family member Owen Wyngert dropped over dead.

Pootie Twang is Daniel Doud, and he was the one sending me live YouTube videos of my town.

Geo Farnsworth then posted on YouTube his video showing his was in Harlan the day of Owen’s funeral 5 days later- but I didn’t go to Owen’s funeral and had started to make a video at the same time when someone tried to get into my house…

So this happened in February – but it wasn’t until this past June that Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross decided to respond.

Sending out an email to me AND Andy Villa AND Daniel Doud- focusing on one email (the WRONG email at that) and claiming that i was wrong and they weren’t in town (completely ignoring the list of LIVE YOUTUBE VIDS of my town). And he did this MONTHS later. (Owen died in Feb and Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross emailed us all in June- LONG AFTER I had started calling this out).

And while this is happening – the Andy Villa account chimes in

And here is a smattering of our conversation- Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross and I …

And I have documented ALL of this with videos on You Tube at DavidShurter1.

And just so we are clear- esp when the Earling IA gas station explosion happened – it was THIS person Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross was protecting…

The one who argues you can stick your dick in a babies mouth and it won’t cause any neurological damage…

Whose Co-founder of the Satanic Temple (which Doug Misicko aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves RUNS) Shane Bugbee claims Ole Lucien is working with our government…

But more on that later…


The Earling Iowa Gas Station Explosion Was a TERRORIST ATTACK and Wasn’t Accidental

Of everything I’m trying to expose- this incident is the easiest to prove.

Here is the official paperwork concerning the accident …

But you only have to Google “Earling IA Gas Station Explosion” and this is what comes up …

Let me point out- one explosion that levels the place is different than two explosions that happened 9 1/2 minutes apart.

This is the link to the KETV report concerning the explosion…

And here are the articles I wrote about the explosion after it happened…

Here Is a Video of EXACTLY What I’m Speaking About With the Earling IA Gas Station Explosion

Remembering When They Blew Up the Gas Station Across the Street From My House

But trying to expose this is why they went after my YouTube account that detailed and documented this terroristic act …

And this all happened because I’m trying to expose a child trafficking operation that they want to hide.

The first explosion happened because of a BOMB THAT THEY PLANTED. And THAT is what they are trying to cover up.

And Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross and his Captain Chad Butler are HELPING them- which I’m going to show in upcoming posts.

But who has the power to cover up a terrorist attack? (and blowing up a gas station, jeopardizing an entire town, in order to murder a whistle blower is THE CLASSIC DEFINITION of a terrorist attack I would think)!

Neil Gross did NOT do this by himself as he simply would not have had the power.

But the child trafficking operation that he’s protecting seems VERY capable of it.

Just saying….

These Claims By My Opposition That I Personally Have Abducted and Murdered 12 Children Are SERIOUS and Need to Be Investigated IMMEDIATELY!!!

And due to my week ban from YouTube…I have to go with a TicTok video

And of course I sent this to Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross and his Captain (My Supposed Handler) Chad Butler


And then it began ALL OVER THIS MORNING..

And the whole crazy Michael Douglas reference was due to this email to them

And unfortunately it continued…

If They Succeed Getting My Info Down They’ll Come For Me Considering Past Precedence

Type Lori King in the search bar for the info, but they got everything she ever posted down off the Internet RIGHT BEFORE they murdered her.

This is an email I sent Thomas Schoenberger, law officials- esp my local Sheriff Neil Gross, and investigative reporters, this morning that pretty much sums everything up…

(Thomas is the particular head of this snake- but for more info type in the search bar Dead Issac Kappy Club, Cori Daniel, Daniel Doud, Phoenix Enigma, Geo Farnsworth, Craig Sawyer, Tere Joyce Randolph- or @notmyrabbitholewithterejoyce, and Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple for more info. And for info on the gas station explosion, type in Earling, IA gas station explosion for more info)


But them getting me kicked off of YouRube for a week…

Is going to compell me to lay everything out in writing with screenshots right here on my blog-

YouTube kinda made me lazy- and I think seeing it all in black and white could be incredibly helpful.

So stay tuned!



I received this from Thomas Schoenberger…


I responded with this…

And this is what Tere Joyce Randolph at @notmyrabbitholewithTere Joyce posted…

Which I’ve dealt with here before …

Dealing With the Free Range Human’s Article

Kara was working in conjunction with Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple.

Of course she does this while complaining about me …

And this picture was taken at Halloween 20+ years ago

And it Continued…

And it went on and on- like usual…

And on and on and on…and this dude wonders why I know he’s a bad guy …

And on and on and on

As I Said-They Are Trying to Silence Me


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They’re Bragging About Talking Me Down But Regardless There’s Always DavidShurter.Com