All posts for the month September, 2016

I Need to Admit Something…

So there is ANOTHER part of what happened when I first got attacked these “secret” weapons that our government said they were going to test on American citizens in 2006. During my ordeal let me remind you that the guy who ran Iran was going through the same thing. Couldn’t sleep- was losing his health […]

An Easy Way to Find Out WHO Was Behind All of the Child Trafficking in the 80’s

I was asked if I had anything to say about the proceeding atricle- and of course I do. Guess who two of the guests were at the George Bush Sr. inauguration party where Latty King sang at? None other than Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky. In fact- I contend- knowing of some who attended and […]

David Shurter and the Oakland Four Cold Case in Michigan

So I think that I am going to have some “fun”. You see- there is this case in Michigan called the ” Oakland Four”- were four children were ritually murdered within a year and a half of each other- starting in 76. Now you have to remember- I was forced to light that man on […]

The Reason Why the Government Run Website HoaxteadResearch is Bitching About Sandy Hook lawsuit-filed-against-msm-for-staging-sandy-hook- Which is why they are so up in arms- comparing Sandy Hook with Hampstead. Not to mention they are trying to assert that pot is behind human trafficking ( which is totally stupid). Heroin, opium, etc etc but THESE people think that legalizing pot will increase child trafficking. So human traffickers aren’t responsible, […]

I Would Like To Correct an Error I Made

So this NBC thing about microwave weapons that were reported on that were going to be used on American citizens actually was written in 2006- and is NOT recent. However, with that in consideration- Aaron Alexis and his shipyard rampage where he carved “ELF” on his gun- which stands for “electro low frequency”- which are […]

Since HoaxteadResearch Would Never Let Me Post There- I Will Answer Their Question Here

Hoaxtead mob: Get your stories straight Since they would never allow my comment- I’ll explain why I BELIEVE the Sandy Hook shooting was probably bullshit. It was when our FBI released their murder statistics the next year- and reported that NO ONE HAD BEEN MURDERED IN THAT COUNTY. Funny that they would FORGET about everyone who […]

The Connection Between Jacob Wetterling and JonBenet Ramsey

Two cases- both freezing cold- suddenly solved within a month of each other. Hmmmm I couldn’t understand why they are suddenly “solving” these cases- but now I understand. The common denominator in BOTH of these cases is that the REAL perps are connected to this government sanctioned MKUltra program (as Monarch isn’t real- but is […]

The Facts of the Matter

I was thinking how ironic it is that Trump is running with this ” Make America Great Again” because a change IS upon us- but it extends WAY beyond national borders. What we are about to see is making MANKIND great again. Flat out- you will do what we have been COMMANDED to do- and […]

Concerning HoaxteadResearch.WordPress.Com and Their Agent Provocateurs

Look, let me point the OBVIOUS out. Angela Power Disney- Sabine McNeil- Neelu Berry- THESE ARE ALL BAD GUYS working DIRECTLY with HoaxteadResearch to seek out survivors and kill their support. They ingratiate themselves into victims lives- do all kinds of crazy stupid shit- which the Hoaxtead people then LOUDLY PROCLAIM- and suddenly ALL THE […]

An “Update” for the Order

As a child- I was designed to be a shell. So that when the day came when I was needed- I could house what was to inhabit me. But Shamanism showed me how to transform myself from a shell into a DOORWAY. And I have opened that which can never be shut. How do you […]