New Conversations on YouTube 1/12/2016

I am posting the conversation by hand as well as putting screen shots of it on this post- since some have told me that the screen shots aren’t coming up when they click them. They work fine for me- but games are afoot- and so they aren’t working for everyone and I felt this conversation needed to be seen.

pookster78 5 hours ago
+David Shurter
David, you chose to comment on your blog about this, and specifically the recording. You have carried out interviews with Abe and Ella, even setting up another interview for them. Now you are getting in a tizzy because I asked a few questions. You put yourself out there.
I couldn’t comment on your blog so when I seen you here I took the opportunity. This “oh but this video isn’t on the topic” excuse, is one of the lamest excuses I have encountered on the internet….and I argued with a guy who likes to fuck his dog. The reason you have resorted to the government troll ‘shill card’ is because you don’t know any answers, and have just blindly believed whatever you have read on the internet. You are a common gossip.Post away, but let me remind you at this point that I did try warn you of people deliberately or accidentally duping you.

David Shurter 22 minutes ago (edited)
+pookster78 Mr. Alan Crawford says; “let me remind you at this point that I did try warn you of people deliberately or accidentally duping you.” So now you are trying to play the role of my protector and savior? (Give me a minute cause I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit). Thanks but really- NO THANKS. Not AT ALL interested. Yes, I did help Ella and Abe at the beginning- I sure did. But the reason I wasn’t on that interview with Ed Opperman is because I backed out due to the fact that I believed that they weren’t telling the truth. Which I have inequitably stated numerous times- both on my blog and elsewhere on social media. Not saying AT ALL that I disbelieve the children however. It is true that I have put myself out there- I agree- but unfortunately- I don’t feel that I owe YOU or ANYBODY anything. Ask all you want- but if I don’t feel compelled to answer- that is my choice. Besides- I have never met Hollie Grieg, have never been to Scotland- and I am not in any way officiated with any official investigation- so why you would ask me- for any other reason than being manipulative- is beyond me.

And no- I have no intention of opening up my blog and allowing it to become the free for all YouTube has. i pay for it- it is mine- and so therefore it is MY choice. Despite what you might feel or believe. But if you read what I posted yesterday- which was our conversation- I didn’t say you WERE a government shill. I asked others to read it and figure out what they thought. Do I think you could be- ABSOLUTELY. Like I said- the US, the UK, and Australia are now all coming under fire for hiding, aiding, and abetting a huge, organized, and well-funded child abuse and pedophile trafficking ring- and to think they aren’t trying to influence the conversation is silly. Some of you fighting against all of this could very well be government shills. What everyone knows at this point is that every one of you are denying it. Esp. you. But hey- whatever.

Lastly- it doesn’t surprise me that you have surrounded yourselves with degenerates. Child abusers- men screwing their animals- there is really nothing about you that would surprise me at this point. You are a unique individual. Surely that is true. But saying “This “oh but this video isn’t on the topic” excuse, is one of the lamest
excuses I have encountered on the internet….and I argued with a guy who likes to fuck his dog” shows me that you aren’t a very good judge of things- esp. character. If me declining to answer your questions that I feel are being asked as a manipulation- and you find that the lamest excuse you have ever heard- then I suggest you start to listen to YOURSELF and what YOU say- cause that FAR EXCEEDS anything I could come up with. That is just my opinion anyway.

So thanks for wanting to “save me”; but really- I have no need nor ANY desire for your help or your company in any way. Best for you to stick with child abusers and people who have sex with their pets. They might want you- but ME- I don’t BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION.



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