After YEARS of Trying- I Just Recovered This Account. I’m Still Here- Still Fighting the PPS In This Video I Speak About Max Spiers, Lori King, and Issac Kappy- And Why I’m Focused As I Am
After YEARS of Trying- I Just Recovered This Account. I’m Still Here- Still Fighting the Pedophile Protection Squad
New Video for My Opposition
Cry Havock! And let Slip the Dogs of War Col. Michael Aquino and his friends were psychotic Nazis to be sure- but they DID train me in some really amazing things. But it is like I always told him- you all taught the wrong person your shit. Or the RIGHT person- depending how you look […]
New Video: Oct 14, 2022
They were pretty much correct. That’s why I had to adapt as I have. The spiritual exists. Flat out. Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying. About Tom Philpott- the documentary Boys for Sale: The two episodes I speak about regarding my cameras are by far NOT the only activity my cameras […]
Telling Aquino and His Friends the Truth
My Personal Experiences with Isaac Kappy
I speak about Isaac Kappy, Max Spiers, and Michael Aquino.
To You Dumbass Luciferians- You Taking Me Down Has ALWAYS Been Part of the Plan
Years and years ago, way before I wrote Rabbit Hole or started working on this blog, I “woke up” in a dream. I was standing in front of one of my friend’s husband- who was a pedophile. Coming out of me and hitting him was a blue beam, and in the dream I could see […]
Their Crap is Collapsing- and They’re About to Reap What They Have Sewn
Nazis DIDN’T take over. Mankind as a whole has NOT embraced hatred and derision. And now their crap is slowly being brought into the light. Despite all their efforts. But it is just beginning. The darkness of which they have “served” (although it could EASILY be argued that all they have served is THEMSELVES), is […]
The Reason I Keep At This Despite the Devil Lovers Constant Attacks
I received a message today- once again the devil lovers are dancing around with glee with regards to the fact that they have their directed energy weapons on me 24/7. They are under the delusion that they are winning. But I know this is deluded. They believe this life is all there is and that […]
Someone Else’s Article About Their Involvement with Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple
This is an article that was posted that speaks about someone joining the Satanic Temple and what they went through with Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple. It went pretty much how you’d expect- just has it’s gone with so many others. But maybe the Nazis he defends respect him more […]
The New Links to My Interviews on Out of the Gate
These are the new links for my interviews that Out of the Gate did. Their channel was removed from YouTube without any strikes or warnings. Censorship of survivors and their advocates is a real thing for certain. Please consider subscribing to their new channel… their content is stellar! OOTG 77