New Tweet

It sucks. The police suck. But so do ALL who support and protect child traffickers.


A Direct Message to My Local Officials

And THIS video goes with the current video…

Just yet ANOTHER COINCIDENCE in all This- but it’s a pretty BIG coincidence.

And the conversation ended there…

New Video Concerning an Alleged Serial Killer in Omaha

New Video: Oct 14, 2022

They were pretty much correct. That’s why I had to adapt as I have.

The spiritual exists. Flat out. Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or lying.

About Tom Philpott- the documentary Boys for Sale:

The two episodes I speak about regarding my cameras are by far NOT the only activity my cameras have caught. It always happens at night- and- like the maintenance guy I speak about- who I’ve never seen before in 1 1/2 yrs I’ve lived here and and haven’t seen SINCE- the men are generally always different. And normal maintenance doesn’t generally occur between 1am to 4 am.

In My Last Video I Speak About Doug Mesner Being Involved with the CIA

I spoke in my last video that Shane Bugbee, the guy who helped Doug Mesner set up the Satanic Temple, left after Mesner told him that he (Doug) was working with the CIA.

Shane, in 2018, went onto my Twitter account and liked 3 of my Tweet …


I speak about Doug a LOT on my one YouTube station- the one that has close to 7000 followers that got hacked and I can no longer add ANYTHING too…

And the account I’m using now that has less than 200.

And someone hacked my blog and removed all of Mesner’s replies In a conversation between us…

At the SAME time my book was “rewritten”…

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, all 15+videos listed on that protection order taken out on me in Kent, WA ONLY AND SOLELY dealt with Mesner and had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the petioners of that protection order.

I never spoke of them ONCE in ANY of the videos.

Which Algona, WA Officer DeAngelo informed me, laughingly to my face, that they were well aware of.

If the DOJ looks hard enough, I’m pretty sure they will find a connection between all these white fascist Nazis and Mesner’s non for profit Satanic Temple.

Nazis and Satanists, historically, have ALWAYS gone hand in hand.

And Mesner is connected to the CIA.

Who is behind Qanon- just like they were connected to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation in the 80s.

Because they WANT to traffic your children…

And don’t believe anyone can stop them. Despite the fact they emply idiots like Mesner who ONLY has his self entitlement going for him.


My Personal Experiences With Their Directed Energy Weapons




Here are some of my experiences with these directed energy weapons…

Department of Defense Secretary Marc Esper Confirms Existence of Directed Energy Weapons

and the extended version of Rabbit Hole which  speak about…

The REAL Extended Version of Rabbit Hole: Confessions of an Anti Christ

And here is a little bit about Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple…

Doug Mesner, the CIA, Child Trafficking, and Me

And here is the link to my book on Amazon.  Read the reviews- the fact that they are SO polarized is telling.  I was NEVER a prostitute, so I NEVER looked for redemption. And I don’t talk about “gay sex” even ONCE in my book. This is “their” work- in order to prevent anyone from reading it…

Ya, I’m Still Angry You Threw Issac Kappy Off a Bridge


Links are below the YouTube video in the description.

Email to Local Law Enforcement About this Weekend’s Activity

🙊 ng About My Bond with the Darkness

New Developments



But of course the real question is why would it matter if he was drunk?