All posts found when searching for JACOB WETTERLING

The Claim that They Have Solved the Jacob Wetterling Abduction is a Spin and Isn’t True

The timing of all of this- as you will see- is BEYOND coincidental. There is no way.

Concerning the Jacob Wetterling Case with a Special Message to the Luciferian Cult

Why Are The Pics of Jacob Wetterling’s Abductor in this Video with Aaron Larson Different Than Those Released Years Ago?

I was just sent this video of Aaron Larson talking about the abduction of his friend Jacob Wetterling but the pictures of Jacob’s abductor have CHANGED drastically. Here is the video… The video is short and you can tell the composites have been ALTERED. And here are the abductors pictures released years ago… And […]

I Have Had Constant Attacks on My Blog Since I Exposed What is Happening with the Jacob Wetterling Abduction

Actually, someone from Redmond, WA has been using the IP address to constantly try to gain access to my blog. This morning alone they tried 50+ times in a minute and a half. After they were blocked, they switched to the IP address and tried repeatedly again- still from Redmond, WA. Someone in […]

Google Locked Me Out an Hour and a Half After I Published My Last Article on Jacob Wetterling

So an hour and a half after I sent out my article about Jacob Wetterling and my family the other day- suddenly I can no longer get on my Google account. Now that we are learning that Google and YouTube helped Hillary Clinton pull off her Benghazi BS, it is pretty obvious to me that […]

A MAJOR Development in the Jacob Wetterling Abduction Case

I have spent a great deal of time thinking about what I am about to write- as I do not want to put the innocents that have been caught up in this in a bad position, but the truth is- I would be a complete fucking idiot to trust the law officials that have been […]

Some Unknown Facts about the Abductions of Ricky Chadek, Jacob Wetterling, and Johnny Gosch

There are some facts concerning these cases that have NOT been reported to the public, so I would like to do just that. First of all, Ricky Chadek- who was found murdered In 1986- died after he was gutted. Funny enough- I think that the reason why this was never released was because convicted serial […]

What Jacob Wetterling, Ricki Chadek, Eugene Martin, Johnny Gosch, and Four Murdered Children in Michigan Have in Common

I have been asked why I believe that the abductions of Ricki Chadek, Jacob Wetterling, Eugene Martin. and Johnny Gosch are connected to four murdered children in Michigan called the Oakland County Child Killing (OCCK) case, and I would like to expound upon my thoughts with all of this. The thing that links all of […]

Pictures of Jacob Wetterlings abductor and my father

Patty Wetterling Orginated From Omaha

This info was sent to me this morning so I wonder if Jacob Wetterling was sold like Johnny Gosch. Considering Brian Podesta is controlling the Center for Missing and Exploited Children- what is OBVIOUS is that she has absolutely NO ISSUE working with those who exploit children- and it certainly explains why she and Jacob’s […]