All posts found when searching for JACOB WETTERLING

Hoaxtead and What They Are Claiming about the Jacob Wetterling Case OLD ABDUCTOR PICS NEW ABDUCTOR PICS And this was my interview less than two weeks before the Jacob Wetterling case was “solved”.

The Connection Between Jacob Wetterling and JonBenet Ramsey

Two cases- both freezing cold- suddenly solved within a month of each other. Hmmmm I couldn’t understand why they are suddenly “solving” these cases- but now I understand. The common denominator in BOTH of these cases is that the REAL perps are connected to this government sanctioned MKUltra program (as Monarch isn’t real- but is […]

With Concerns About Jacob Wetterling and My Father- Jacob’s Abductor…

You know- it JUST occurred to me that, although they may have “solved” the Jacob Wetterling abduction- the Ricky Chadek old case abduction and murder has YET to be answered for- and since that is MUCH CLOSER TO HOME- and it would be WAY OBVIOUS if I began speaking about this case and IT TOO […]

It is Interesting How CBS Keeps Deleting My Comments Off Their YouTube Report on Jacob Wetterling

So I left them this- and as promised- I am posting it on my blog… If they are so sure of their story- why bother? Unless of course they are trying to hide something that they KNOW is a lie…

The Official FACTS Being Presented In the Jacob Wetterling Abduction Cold Case

Fact: Jacob Wetterling was abducted October 22, 1989 at 9 PM in Minnesota at night on a deserted road that had no street lights. We are NOW being told that Jacob’s abductor had panty hose over his face- but we have detailed abductor pics that were distributed directly after the abduction- and there is absolutely […]

Funny How Danny Heinrich- Jacob Wetterling’s Supposed Abductor- DOESN’T SEEM TO HAVE AGED IN 27 YEARS

I guess that prison must be so grand that it actually keeps inmates from aging- cause he looks the same NOW as he did THEN- 27 yrs ago. Fascinating.

A Physical Demonstration on the Absurdities Being Presented in the Jacob Wetterling Abduction Case

The Reason Why Jacob Wetterling’s Supposed Killer Confessed is Because They ARE NOT GOING TO CHARGE HIM WITH MURDER

So with everything else that makes NO SENSE- now we are being told that Danny Heinrich IS NOT GOING TO BE CHARGED WITH MURDER. Wow- how absolutely convenient. Two weeks after speaking on the John B. Wells show Caravan To Midnight- they got the BODY- the KILLER- and all they had to do was promise […]

So Jacob Wetterling’s Abductor Was 28???

So Danny Heinrich is 53 years old right now- so, since Jacob Wetterling was abducted 27 years ago- that would mean Heinrich was 28 when he took Jacob. Do ANY of the abductor pics look like a guy in his 20’s? This is obviously a lie.

If They Solved the Jacob Wetterling Abduction- Can You Explain WHY the Abductor Pics Were Changed?

Here are the pictures of Jacob Wetterling’s abductor- those done YEARS BEFORE- and those they are running with now- which have OBVIOUSLY been changed. Something tells me that they TAILORED these pics to look like the suspect they just arrested… AND THIS IS MY DAD- COMPARE HIS PIC TO THE ONE RIGHT ABOVE… Oh, and […]