I have been asked why I believe that our government would be after me. Why would I, an unknown nobody, be targeted? The issue is that I know the history of Franklin Credit in Omaha, NE in the 80s on a personal level. The REAL history- not the “official” bs story that has been offered […]
All posts for the month December, 2019
This is the LAST Time I Will Deal with What Happened 40 Years Ago With My Nephew
I can not begin to describe how sick I am of dealing with what happened between my nephew and I 40 yrs ago when I was 13, but due to recent events- I’ll deal with it one more time on here so I can simply refer those who never seem to have all the facts […]
Posted by David on December 13, 2019
Looking Back As My Life As a Whistle Blower
This Friday I turn 53 and it is often a time I look back at my life and reflect. (It is also a time where my nightmares come back full force as I relive my childhood at night when I’m asleep). I have done everything I can think of to get my parents investigated for […]
Posted by David on December 5, 2019