Some Facebook Rants: Where We Are Today…

I find it interesting how they have most of us convinced that it is Hillary supporters vs. Trump supporters- ESP. considering that 50% of the population refused to vote. This election rated right up there with I have one plate of fully formed dog shit- and another plate of diarrhea- which one are you going to eat first? So I guess those of us who are totally against the system itself are… what… hiding? We just ceased to exist? Cause if you listen to the news- that is EXACTLY what it sounds like happened. The majority of us DID SPEAK- and we wanted NEITHER. So go take your Nazi right republican asses and your crazy anything fucking goes lefty democrats- and get the damn clue that the MAJORITY OF THE NATION- doesn’t want EITHER OF YOU.


lol- yeah- elect Hillary and take the nomination away from Trump. If you think the country is in chaos NOW- JUST FUCKING WAIT…




I am guessing that the new psych ops bullshit that is happening is that NOW Franklin Credit is being brought up. But the OFFICIAL STORY to all of this is BULLSHIT- as I have spent the last 15+ years saying- and so I wouldn’t suggest people who REALLY want to make a difference in this focus on that. It is BULLSHIT- which is why IT NEVER WENT ANYWHERE. Jesus- how stupid can people fucking be. Use one psych op operation to justify and prove another. Are you fucking kidding me?

So when “pizzagate” comes out as false- AND IT IS GOING TO- then ALL child trafficking will be false. This is a psych ops operation- with them trying to make these allegations go away. The govt run website is NOW SHOWING THE TRUTH OF THIS. And when it comes out as false- they will THEN try to get rid of alternative media- and pretty much the internet. So the ONLY “truth” that will remain is theirs. And it AINT TRUTH they are spouting….
Spiny Norman
November 26, 2016 at 4:08 pm
‘Pizzagate’ shows how fake news hurts real people

SOME OF the people can be fooled all of the time, and some seem plenty pleased about it when it gives them license to exercise their most malicious impulses. How else to explain the noxious torrent of vitriol, venom and threats trained recently against a popular upper Northwest Washington pizzeria, which has been the subject of ludicrous conspiracy theories alleging that it is the center of a child – abuse racket run by Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman, John Podesta?

The allegations against Comet Ping Pong, reported by the New York Times, are absurd on their face and detached from any gossamer thread of fact. They took root in the dark crevices of the Web and took flight thanks to social media platforms, whose witless “who, us?” posture in the face of misinformation and outright lunacy is a civic embarrassment.

More than that, the use of social media as a platform for outright lies about public figures and, in this case, malevolent rumors about a pleasant neighborhood restaurant popular with families is a menace to private lives, peace and prosperity. In response to the firestorm of anonymous death threats and warnings directed at Comet’s owner, James Alefantis, and some of his employees, D.C. police have had to deploy officers to keep an eye on the restaurant.

Fake and unfounded “news” articles suggesting that Comet’s backrooms, heretofore known for a couple of ping-pong tables and a play area for kids, were the scene of trafficked and molested children have appeared on Facebook, as well as on websites serving as platforms for scurrilous disinformation and fantasy conspiracies.

So what if Mr. Alefantis has never met Ms. Clinton and neither traffics nor abuses children? Social media, a neutral host body for parasitical insanity, have turned their algorithmic gaze upon him. The culprits include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and other platforms that have done too little to safeguard their sites from deception and fraud. (Reddit belatedly shut down a message board devoted to “pizzagate.”)

Like 93 percent of Washingtonians, the restaurateur happened to support Ms. Clinton for president; he has some prominent Democratic friends, past and present. Mr. Alefantis’s name surfaced in leaked email from Mr. Podesta’s account, published by WikiLeaks, in which the two men discussed holding a Clinton fundraiser. As far as anyone knows, there is no more logic than that as to why Mr. Alefantis and his restaurant became targets.

The First Amendment is a bulwark of democracy but provides no protection for defamatory allegations published in knowing disregard for the truth. Mr. Alefantis is more than entitled to sue for defamation and libel, if he can find the purveyors of the garbage heaved his way.
A separate question is whether criminal charges may arise from some of the threats that have been leveled at the restaurant and its owner, online and by phone. Mischief may stray into the province of criminality if it incites violence.




So alt media lies- but our national media always tells the truth? Best to get rid of the alt media- and cuddle up to CNN, MSN, Fox- and the lot? REALLY?


My friend Viv sent me this quote- and I wanted to share it because it is spot on for the most part…

“Never forget — all these various types of Mind-kontrol through these Satanic Black Arts and back-engineered Alien ET technologies do not work well on folks with strong character, integrity and love in their hearts for their fellow man, who have decided to live by the golden rule to treat others the way they want to be treated. It is this immutable human spirit, energized by love towards others, that poses the greatest risk to the Ruling cabal, and cannot ever be snuffed out. I am pretty certain the Cabal will eventually be defanged and stopped and will lose control over these weapons before they can combine them and succeed in their Globalist NWO Agenda of Evil.”




So want another argument? Listen to this guy- around the 45 minute mark- say that Aquino only kills a child to save 200- and we need to get off his case. He is magic- and his shit is saving the world. FEEL SAVED YET?

So all of you reading about how pedophilia is normal- I want to ask you a question. When did you all decide to stop being a pedophile? If it is normal- and just a way of life- when did you- the average joe- decide you didn’t want to rape kids? I mean- if it is so normal- this HAS to be a factor in this….


So I wanna get this argument straight… so gay people are gay because they CHOOSE to be gay- but pedophiles- they are just a victim of fate and were given no choice. Is that the argument we are running with now?

I often want to beat some people over the head with a board. But I don’t. Why? Because I choose NOT too. But my question is- DO THE FUCKING CHILDREN HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT BEING RAPED? Or is it just about the rights of the pedophiles now?


Ya- they aren’t trying to normalize this behavior AT ALL.


So I have taken some heat about my views on Cathy O’Brien so I have a solution. I want to know what she thinks about the tunnels that were found under McMartin AFTER the trial and I would also like to know why she has never spoken about the Oakland 4 ritual child murders. I understand people’s hero worship of her- but until she deals with my questions- you had better make sure that hero worship is warranted. Just saying…

So I have some idiot, of course they are anonymous, insulting me on my YouTube channel- claiming i am a liar and full of shit but WON’T EVER show examples as to what got them to conclude that. Now i have ANOTHER anonymous poster AGREEING with the “puffy” idiot but who wont show examples as to why either. So these anons claim i am a liar- but wont say why or how- and I guess people are just suppose to agree with them although no one has any clue as to who they are. It is really actually pathetic.

Obviously someone hates my blog. I just had 365 hack attempts in 10 minutes. Funny someone doesn’t like the truth…

Prayer is nice and all- and it IS important- but it is meaningless without action. the biggest crime to mankind that the Order has done is that it has made all of you completely loose faith in yourselves. Heaven is within you= you have the power to do AMAZING things- but in order to do that- you must go within and face the person you all seem the most afraid of. But in order to overcome your darkness- you need to understand what that darkness is and how it works. The harshest secrets any of us have are those that we have from OURSELVES- and some of us spending our lives running from that which we should just be facing. The native americans have this belief that if you are being chased in a dream- you should just turn around and embrace it. This has been a mantra for me all my life- and I will tell you- the truth WILL set you free. Heaven is within you- trust the love that all of you have within your hearts. It makes you stronger than you can realize right now. Take a stand shine your light and bring forth change. And stop waiting for someone or something else to do it for you.

It isn’t that I am not happy that people are getting involved with this mess because of “Pizzagate”. And I am glad they care enough to be outraged. But you have to understand where I- and a LOT of other survivors are right now. we have ALL seen this before and we have ALWAYS been let down. So although I appreciate how everyone is feeling right now- forgive me if I don’t have much faith in seeing anything real or substantial coming from it. But you all ALWAYS have the option of proving me wrong.

The Podesta emails are being used by our government to make all of the child abuse allegations go away- JUST AS the UK is using Hampstead to make all of THEIR allegations go away- JUST AS Australia is using their “royal commission” to make all of THEIR allegations go away. Same fucking allegations- just different countries- but the game is being played the EXACT SAME WAY.

This is a SECOND GRADERS quiz in school…




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