All posts for the month May, 2013

David Shurter – Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra Programming Survivor

Supposedly a Sgt. Mills from The Omaha Police Dept. Responded to Me on Craigslist.

Another thought to consider (Sgt. Mils of OPPD) I will tell you folks to beware. While not every abused child grows up to become an abuser it happens so often it is common place to see. It becomes the only way to communicate feelings and emotions. The abuser is a narcissist concerned with only their […]

Opinions on Craigslist that I Thought Were Interesting…

“Pedophiles hiding in plain sight”……….Clod Buster I recently came across an article that basically came to the conclusion that Pedophiles attempt to hide in plain sight. After exhaustive research the author explained that many times a Pedophile will write extensively about child sexual assault. They will also make very loose connections with famous or infamous […]

Aarron Swartz, MIT, Child Trafficking and American Media…

Yoichi Shimatsu, “Was Aaron Swartz killed by an MIT Satanic Child Porn Ring?”, January 15, 2012. I often get asked why I think that events that happened in Omaha, Nebraska thirty years ago are still important, and I always answer the question with my belief that this type of behavior is still happening in […]

The Gaslighting of American Media

The basic definition of gaslighting is the practice of making people question their own perceptions by trying to convince them of things that are not real. False information is given to the victim in order to manipulate them into doubting their own perceptions and memories of events, such as denying that abuse exists- (which is […]