All posts for the day January 30th, 2013

A Brief Overview of the False Memory Foundation Jeanette Bartha on Amazon- one of my critics and strong supporter of the False Memory Pedophile Protection Squad- brought to my attention a correction that needs to be made with article. F.M.S.F. EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS: Peter and Pamela Freyd ARE NOT PSYCHIATRISTS. She is calling me on this- and since I haven’t yet gone through […]

Let’s Get Back to Basics… My Parent’s are a Pair of Murdering Child Abducting Pedophiles and Local Officials REFUSE to Look into It.

I have spent an inordinate amount of time online arguing with a group of people that I like to call the False Memory Pedophile Protection Squad but would like to stand back for a minute and bring myself back to the basics of what I am trying to get investigated. What I want investigated is […]

More Info From the Web on Pedophiles and their Attack on Neil Brick…

The reason why the REAL Neil Brick is being slandered by the False Memory Pedophile Protection Squad is because he does fantastic research and has so… coming across all of this on Facebook- I thought I would share it and give another light on the False Memory Foundation. —————————————————————– Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, […]

False Memory Foundation just LOVES its Pedophile Protection Squad… Although the Squad Denies It.

“Doug Mesner, a young investigative journalist” SMART’s reply to the FMSF SMART’s reply to Mesner Interesting who the FMSF promotes: People such as Mesner having Satanic rallies. And there are those who wonder why I refer to this group as the FMS Pedophile Protector Squad.