All posts tagged child sex trafficking

Jeffery Epstein Gets Off Again There are people who are going on and on about this Qanon- who is supposedly combating this problem with pedophilia. Qanon keeps saying “trust the plan” but the only thing that is happening is that survivors and advocates keep getting picked off and pedophiles like Jeffery Epstein keep getting off. So obviously this “plan” […]

The Game is to Associate Child Abuse with Something That Can Be Discredited to Discredit It All

This is a new NBC article: How Three Conspiracy Theorists Took “Q” and Made Qanon The game is always the same – wrap the truth in a bunch of lies in order to discredit everything. But it is strange how similar Qanon works compared to Pokémon Go- that video game that enthralled the world. […]

A Question for Suvivors of This Mess

So all of you survivors out there- with concerns about these “investigations” taking place. How many have reached out to YOU to find out the truth in what you have been saying? Cause something tells me- NONE OF YOU have been contacted. So just HOW REAL are these “investigations” into horrific child abuse? Because if […]

A Journalist Commenting on Pizzagate…

An anonymous journalist just posted this comment on the Washington Post’s story trying to debunk #PizzaGate, and I think this should be read by all citizens and journalists. — We are told the work on /r/Pizzagate (and other message boards) is illegitimate because people are rushing to conclusions, or because they are being paranoid, or […]

If I am Any Indication, It is No Wonder Why More Survivors Don’t Come Forward

Years ago, I came forward to try and find out any information I could about a man my father and step mother made me light on fire when I was 10- and since then, it has been nothing but constant attacks by a group of people who have done their best to discredit me in […]

The Issue isn’t Transsexuals in the Bathroom- It is that Rich Pedophiles are Raping Your Children- and Have Been for a LONG TIME NOW

So right now, everyone is focused on this issue of transsexuals and what bathroom they are supposed to use, but this is being used as a distraction to keep people from focusing on the fact that our children are disappearing in mass and that our elites are raping them in just as great of numbers. […]

Sabine McNeil is ANOTHER Hoaxstead Operative

This group- Hoaxstead Research, only focuses on a handful of people- Angela Power Disney and Sabine McNeil specifically.  They are using this small group of women to do their best to try and make the Hampstead allegations, and all of the facts surrounding a known and proven cover up regarding an elite pedophile ring, go […]

Moving Away from “False Memories” and Beginning to Realize the Vastness of Child Sex Predators

Guilty after six-year trial, Portugal’s high-society paedophile ring Australia’s 60 Minutes: ‘Satan’s Children;’ 15 Year Old Survivor of Satanic AbuseSatanic Abuse of Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape “After Donald Rumsfeld testified on the Hill about Abu Ghraib in May, there was talk of more photos and video in the Pentagon’s […]

Sex Trafficking- In Nebraska and Exposing Child Protective Services

The Economics of Child Abduction

I have begun to realize that many folks can’t seem to comprehend the money that is made in the exploitation of children and how easy it is to do it. I guess this is because someone getting up to speed on all of this generally is overcome with the morality concerning how wrong it is […]