It Never Stops But…

My Experiences with Directed Energy Weapons and My Training and Trauma as a Child and It’s Results

The extended version of Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors Story- which can be found on Amazon…

This is the proof of Directed Energy Weapons…

Considering That People Are Talking About Sherriff Donovan’s Suicide- Things Seem to Be Coming Out

Donovan was the Sherriff working with the town of Earling to try and take my dogs- he committed suicide a week and a half before that gas station exploded. I think they were blackmailing him to do something to me and he chose death instead.

Sherriff Neil Gross knew about EVERYTHING that was going on at the time. Knew about the constant threats I was getting- knew about the men who were across the street from that gas station a day and a half before it exploded- and my concerns.

Considering that people in town are now- once again- talking about Donovan- and the Harlan’s Chief of Police is on a 6th month leave- it tells me that their footing may not be as solid as they thought.

Rumor In Town Has It Our NEW Chief of Police Has Taken Off for 6 Months And It May Be Drug Related

This is what I was told yesterday.

And that Tacoma Power Station attack- 4 sub stations destroyed, 3 million in damages, and it was all to rob some unnamed business. Doesn’t that sound like…oh, I don’t know…OVER KILL?

Whatever you think, it doesn’t make ANY sense.

A Response to David Pakman as to Why the Founder of the Satanic Temple Needs to be Scrutinized

He has a history of shutting down ADULTS who claim they were abused- so why wouldn’t he employ the SAME tactics he uses now if children get abused who get caught up in the Satanic Temple’s “Satanic Afterschool Daycare”.

Nazis and Satanists have historically ALWAYS gone hand in hand with the other.

And the timing of Qanon trying to help overthrow Germany’s govt, and the attack on the Tacoma WA power stations, and Doug Mesner’s appearance on Fox News- is just BEYOND coincidental.

It needs some scrutiny…

And this is Doug Mesner at the grave of the late Westboro minister mother’s grave, taken by the media, when he did this weird production to make the dead woman a lesbian in the afterworld.

THIS is who they think is acceptable to be around children with his “Satanic After School Daycare” bs.

And just so there is no question whether my local authorities are informed…


They Were In My House This Morning

Why bother to call my local police- and I don’t know how they shut my cameras down.

But they know ive been reaching out and they want to stop me.

And this is a conversation someone is trying to get me into out of the blue this morning …

It’s like I’m dealing with some weird kind of shock and awe campaign.

But there are too many people who are aware now.


An Email to My Local Law Officials

I don’t know how it will happen- but I know it isn’t and it’s NOT going to go how they planned.

These men are just cogs in a much bigger group. But they are ALL accountable for ALL of it. That’s the thing about allegiances. They are binding….

A Video for Satanic Temple Founder Lucien Greaves About the Tacoma Power Substation Attack


And it seems this person is against Doug Misicko aka Doug Meaner aka Lucien Greaves – founder of the Satanic Temple- but if you go into this account- you find exactly the opposite…

This is called “controlled opposition”.



A Review of Crimes My Family Were Involved with That I Have Spent YEARS Trying to Get Investigated

This is a quick review of everything I have tried to get investigated…

My Impressions of Nick Bryant’s Interview with Alisha Owen: What Was and WASN’T Said

Email Exchange with the Nebraska State Patrol

John B. Wells interview on Jacob Wetterling

Remembering When They Blew Up the Gas Station Across the Street From My House

The REAL Extended Version of Rabbit Hole: Confessions of an Anti Christ

This last link has the REAL version of my book AND the one “someone unknown” edited. Yeah- they hacked my blog. And actually took the time to rewrite my book as well as do a BUNCH of their “special editing” to it.

The ONE THING they have absolutely NO CONTROL over is what I was trained to do as a child. And it has been the ONLY THING I have been successful with. Aquino was right- no one would believe me. And if they did- they wouldn’t care. THANK GOD THEY EQUIPPED ME AS THEY DID WITH MY TRAINING AS A CHILD.

As it was written- they’ll be brought down by their own handiwork… and they ARE.

Considering the Bust in Germany of Qanon Trying to Overthrow Their Govt- the Jig is up That It’s CIA

Funny- seems that all that has been hidden in the dark is all being brought out into the light.

This is just the beginning.