I’ve Been Told By Several People I Have Some Explaining to Do- So Here is My First Attempt

David Shurter on the John B Wells Show

The REAL Extended Version of Rabbit Hole: Confessions of an Anti Christ

The Jacob Wetterling Abduction Case ISN’T Solved, and I Am Not the Only One Who Disagrees With the FBI’s Conclusions

Hey Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross-We May Finally Be Able To Deal With Each Other Directly

If tonight’s city council vote goes the way everyone thinks, and your department absorbs the local police department.

Then you don’t have to go after my dying disabled elderly sister anymore. You and I can deal with each other directly. And there won’t be anymore of this “I can’t deal with you directly because you aren’t in my jurisdiction” any longer.

Yet ANOTHER prayer answered by God. Can you give a big ass Hallelujah?

I Almost Passed Out on My Floor This Morning So Something Tells Me that For ME this is Almost Over

Look What Happened After My Last Video

Chuck Grassley and Mike Pompeo- This Video is For You- Make Sure You Go Tell the Rest of Your Group

What I Said About Scalia in Yesterdays Video WASN’T New

Breaking News About Anton Scalia

VeteransToday Article “Scalia Sleeps with the Fishes” Is Being CENSORED In the United States

Concerning the Ranch Anton Scalia Was Murdered At

Chuck Grassley and Mike Pompeo- This Video is For You- Make Sure You Go Tell the Rest of Your Group


Chuck Grassley and Mike Pompeo- This Video is For You- Make Sure You Go Tell the Rest of Your Group

Mr. CIA man- this morning you tweeted that the truth would set you free- and you are SO right.

Anyway- here is MY truth.

“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”
“Then rang the bells both loud and deep. God is not dead nor doth he sleep.”
“The wrong will fail, the right prevail, with peace on Earth, goodwill to men.”


Ya just Gotta love social media

There is Something About Myself that I Probably Should Have Explained a Long Long Time Ago

I probably shouldn’t have waited till now lol

This is, by far, the longest video I’ve made thus far on this channel.

THIS is ALSO me- before they broke into my account and locked me out of it…


Officer Rylee was all down for showing up at my front door to find out where my newly installed cameras at the time where aimed at, and trying to get the meth heads who I had reported to my local police dept for harassment against me- but my emails containing my videos that only keep my local police informed- THAT obviously was a bridge to far for her.

When they can hide in the shadows and beat you with a stick feeling protected- they are all big and bad. But when the light is cast upon them- they sing a whole different tune.


For What It’s Worth-ABC News Just Reported that the CIA Has Released a Report on the Havana Syndrome

As for the second part of this video, this is what I’ll say. People nowadays are NOT going crazy. What they are is becoming AUTHENTIC. They’re showing who they’ve always been and as such, things are starting to become much more interesting.


There Are Some That Should Pray Hard That I’m Either Crazy or Lying

Cause if I am telling the truth, and I AM, something tells me that things are not going to work out for them the way they truly believe.

Heaven doesn’t like child killers- not does it condone those who are complicit with evil. And child killers ARE evil.

Do You All Still Secretly Refer to Yourselves As The Order? Anyway- This Video is For You

At this point- I’d say your options are limited. Regardless of whatever happens- whatever you do- checkmate.