Issac Kappy – Another Child Advocate- is Dead

Supposedly Issac committed suicide- but none of the details make sense. Especially considering a day and a half before he uploaded a Periscope video saying repeatedly that he wasn’t suicidal and that if he ended up dead it would be because he was murdered.

Issac was one of three of us on the forefront trying to expose this child trafficking mess – along with Fiona Barnett and myself.

He joins the list of dead advocates- in the company of Max Spiers,  Jenny Moore, and Lori King.

Doing this kind of work is not only difficult but obviously lethal.

I had issues with Issac when he was alive, not sure what side he was playing on. I often told him he was reckless which was a serious liability to both himself and others.

However- he didn’t deserve what ultimately happened to him.

This is an excellent article about the situation:

The Mysterious Sudden Death of Isaac Kappy [UPDATES]

And this is Fiona Barnett’s eulogy for Issac:

Considering how many of us trying to expose this mess have ended up dead- just assuming the official story is true is illogical.

It isn’t as if ANY of the deaths involved have been classified as murders. And yet we are dropping like flies. 

And just so we are clear- I am in NO WAY suicidal. It goes directly against my faith.

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