Supposedly Issac committed suicide- but none of the details make sense. Especially considering a day and a half before he uploaded a Periscope video saying repeatedly that he wasn’t suicidal and that if he ended up dead it would be because he was murdered. Issac was one of three of us on the forefront trying […]
The Case Regarding Me, My City Council, and My Dogs
I did not want to get involved with a “he said, they said” situation concerning the situation concerning my dogs and the city council- but considering the gossip campaign being waged against me- I don’t see much choice. First of all- I personally am NOT suing the town. When I was facing them taking me […]
Timothy Holmseth- Investigative Reporter Looking Into the Jacob Wetterling Case- is Jailed By the Same Means They Tried to Do to Me
Timothy Holmseth is an investigative journalist who has been investigating the Jacob Wetterling abduction- a 28 year old cold case that was “solved” LESS than two weeks after I gave this interview on the John B. Wells show Caravan to Midnight… Danny Heinrich, a man already in prison, gave a confession and told authorities where […]