It is my opinion that one of the things survivors are afraid of the most is the absolute rage that dwells within all of us. Having been objectified and used at will by others, we have a sense of brokenness that often times borders on a loss so great that it is barely palatable, and […]
The Rage of Victimization…
An Admission and an Apology
We survivors are a funny lot. Due to our life experiences, we spend much of our time trying to tame our triggers that bring so much anguish to us. Even those of us who are healed enough to the point where we want to reach out to others suffer this affliction, and each of us […]
FACSA Foundation Holocaust of Innocence Tour and Documentary Project
View Donate Holocaust of Innocence Tour and Documentary/Research Project Edit Please Vote For The FACSA Foundation July 09, 2012, at You have to have a facebook page. You can not vote from a fan page. You must be a US resident. The Holocaust of Innocence Tour and Documentary The Holocaust of Innocence Tour and Documentary/Research […]
Contacting More of the Media Yesterday…
Yesterday I did my best to contact Oprah and Anderson Cooper, directing them to my book and website and asking them for any help that they could offer. Getting anyone to get involved is like pulling teeth, and it is obvious to me why other survivor’s haven’t come forward in mass, as there is a […]