David Shurter is live! If I Drop Over It’s Because It Was DONE to Me-to Shut Me Up



David Shurter is live! Seems Their Crimes are Beginning to Come Out Into the Light

My Aunt and Uncle Sandy and Walt Davis- lived in West Des Moines- which is my dad’s connection to the Johnny Gosch case, and the other two boys- Eugene Martin and Mark Ayotte.

Todd Bequette was the boy who was abducted in the old market. Danny Whelan was the private investigator his family- who lived in Council Bluffs, hired who found him.

And my sister and brother in law lived in Milaca MN- Cindy and Ralph Hester, at the same time my sister Kathy and brother Steven lived in the Twin Cities- when Jacob Wetterling was abducted.

And the members of the Dead Issac Kappy Club are once again trying to bait me…

David Shurter is live! What a Week It Has Been But I Think Justice is Coming

And this one WAS titled “How I Know My Dad Was a Serial Child Killer” but YouTube didn’t care for it…


David Shurter is live! A History Explaining Why I Know My Dad Was What He Was

And these were the original sketches of Jacob Wetterling’s abductor…

And this is my dad’s Northern Propane gas pic…

He always wore his Northern propane gas ball cap.

Want to Know Who is Directly Connected to this Child Trafficking Group? Investigate Issac Kappy


And if there is any question- someone sent me this…


A Live YouTube Broadcast that Deals With What is Happening Now

David Shurter is live! Right Now There’s SO MUCH CHAOS andYet Everything Feels Like It’s Providence

In My Last Video I Speak About Doug Mesner Being Involved with the CIA

Protected: National Able, SCCO, and Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross

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This Is the Reason Why Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross is Screwed

But first I need to post this first…

This Is the Reason Why Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross is Screwed

But THIS is important…

But then there is this…

Here Is a Video of EXACTLY What I’m Speaking About With the Earling IA Gas Station Explosion

All About that Gas Station Explosion

The Earling Iowa Gas Station Explosion Was a TERRORIST ATTACK and Wasn’t Accidental

My Argument Why I Know Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross Can NOT Be Trusted- with Screenshots

And just so there is no question- here is the official report…

So there seems to be an issue

What I Speak About In This Video I Wrote About Years Before in Confessions…

If the Slime King Really Is Researching Brigit- I Would DEFINITELY Suggest Keeping This in Mind

And I did this video because of an email Thomas Schoenberger sent me playing his usual games after I posted THIS video…

Brigit’s Prayer

So this happened

And although I’m not going to published the novellas he sent- I AM going to publish my replies…

My faith is MY business. No- it ISN’T conventional-but nothing in my life HAS been so…

And it isn’t like I didn’t write about it well over a decade before

The REAL Extended Version of Rabbit Hole: Confessions of an Anti Christ

All of This Is Happening Because I’m Trying to Expose Their Child Trafficking Operation

I am VERY familiar with “Emily Thorn”. She has worked hand in hand with Doug Misicko aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves- founder of the Satanic Temple, going after and neutralizing victims of child trafficking and ritual abuse.

They are child killers (although it doesn’t stop with children).

Thomas is just giving a perfect example of how this group eats their own.

There is no loyalty among thieves- and even LESS with child traffickers.

And of COURSE I sent this to my sheriff and law enforcement…

So What if My Sheriff Protects and Serves Child Killers. We ALL Have Our Little Quirks I Suppose

And this is Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross sending us all an email together…


My Argument Why I Know Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross Can NOT Be Trusted- with Screenshots