The CIA is Working Overtime to Cover Up It’s Crimes

At the very same time the Ghislaine Maxwell trial is happening in New York, (Jeffery Epstein’s co-conspirator), it gets reported out that the CIA has gotten exposed for having sex with children…

And now, along with all this- a new article has hit The Atlantic magazine…

Written by someone who is reported to write about technology.

“Kaitlyn Tiffany is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where she covers technology.”

They are doing their very best to dispell the reporting from the Center of Missing and Exploited Children that one child disappears every 27 seconds.

Why? Because the CIA has long been alleged to be involved.

Which is why it partners up with abominations like Doug Mesner aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple- who uses his followers to attack victims.

And the day this article got released, I had an army of idiots attack me on Twitter.

All of these events are NOT coincidence and anyone who thinks they are is ignorant or delusional.

The big problem with the numbers of missing children is that OFTEN abducted children are deemed runaways by the police.

Take the case of Todd Bequette, 13, in Omaha, NE. Disappeared in the Old Market area in Omaha, police deemed him a runaway. Family hires a private detective Danny Whaylen – who FINDS Todd with his abductor Terry Ray Holman in OR.

Or take the case of Amber Harris, 12, also in Omaha. Disappears at her school bus stop- police deem her a runaway, until someone stumbles over her corpse in Hummel Park- an isolated city park 5 miles out of town limits.

Roy Ellis Jr., A known pedophile who lived right at her bus stop, was convicted of murdering her.

Then there is Johnny Gosch. Abducted at 13, deemed a runaway, and never seen again.

The CIA is EXACTLY like Russia’s old KGB- no one knows who they are or what exactly they do, and they have a HUGE amount of government power. They are almost like malignant ghosts.

And they now are known to be molesting your children with absolutely ZERO accountability.

Just like Michael Aquino, who I personally do not believe is dead and MOST CERTAINLY don’t believe he shot himself in the head, the CIA won’t be held accountable due to “national security”, although it begs the question what does the raping of children have to do with national security?!

So they influence media, telling trusting fools that “there is nothing to see here, move on”.

But you do so at your child’s, and grandchildren’s, etc etc, peril.

And don’t kid yourselves- the police are NOT going to help. They never have and, more than likely, never will.

As long as it isn’t THEIR children, they could not care less.

And THIS is the world in which we live.

The CIA Just Got Busted Having Sex With Children

It is the same story where Michael Aquino is concerned. Nothing can be investigated due to concerns of “national security”.

But then they are working with Doug Misicko aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves founder of the Satanic Temple who argues “sticking your penis in a baby’s mouth doesn’t cause any neurological damage” so go figure

They are microwaving the crap out of me. Last week they were in my house- it was a whole operation.

But people are seeing it. They are sloppy anymore.

I mean- they just got busted for molesting children.

The Dept of Justice HAS been notified. But then- considering how the Ghislaine Maxwell trial is going- trusting any of them is pretty much futile.

Considering what is happening with my body- chances are I won’t be around much longer. I’ve done everything I can think of to try and fix this situation. But whatever- it’s in God’s hands.

May they be offered the EXACT same amount of mercy they have offered, which of course is ZERO!

New Tweets on Twitter

The Maxwell Trial Begins Today

To You Dumbass Luciferians- You Taking Me Down Has ALWAYS Been Part of the Plan

Years and years ago, way before I wrote Rabbit Hole or started working on this blog, I “woke up” in a dream.

I was standing in front of one of my friend’s husband- who was a pedophile. Coming out of me and hitting him was a blue beam, and in the dream I could see it was causing him discomfort.

So I increased it.

Eventually he was raised 4 feet off the ground and he was writhing in pain when he feet started on fire.

It was then that I looked down and saw that my OWN feet were on fire, and immediately at that realization I was spun around 180 degrees where I found myself in the presence of God.

I was told that this would be the cost of doing what I wanted to do. That I would have to let myself experience it all FIRST.

Without a mili second of hesitation, I said “if it saves the children then so be it” and turned to finish, which is when I woke up.

I grew up with you idiots. I know you better than anyone.

And the one thing I most CERTAINLY know is it doesn’t even take a minimal amount of energy to get you to want to hurt another.

Getting you to go after me was so SO incredibly easy. And you have.

You all- with your OWN FREE WILL- have bound yourselves too me.

Why do you think I have survived despite everything you have thrown at me?

Microwaving me in Algona- esp that night you got that woman to convince me stay on my phone all night, when she screamed a little after 3 am- waking me up, basically to see if I was still alive.

Then the Algona police showing up at 3:20 the SAME night- claiming someone from Australia had contacted them, telling them I was suicidal (even though I had been sound asleep).

But much to all your dismay- I was still alive.

Then taking out a protection order on me to get physically ahold of me- but that failed.

Then sending me that crazy bitch to try and get me thrown out of my own house- but that failed.

Then hitting me with your little heart attack gun- at the Shelby County fair- but that failed to take me down.

Spraying that chemical in my open window at night in Earling, which DID make me sick but obviously STILL didn’t take me down.

And who can forget blowing up the gas station, convinced it was going to take my house down with me in it- but THAT failed as well.

And I say all of this NOT to convince anyone- so deny all you want. It doesn’t matter.

Your lies ARE NOT and NEVER WILL become truth.

And that truth is- your intent has been determined. Just because you have been abject failures with all of your attempts- your INTENTIONS have been KEY.

You claim you built CERN to discover the “God particle” but the fact that the Indian goddess of war and destruction Kahli stands as a statue on it’s grounds speaks the truth.

You idiots LET THE DARKNESS IN. And it is here now. More importantly- it is here to claim the parts of itself that lay within mankind’s hearts.

You are NOT in control. You can’t stop anything.

In fact, what you are doing now is nothing more than an attempt at damage control.

And like everything else- you ARE ALREADY and WILL CONTINUE to fail at that.

All my life- all I ever wanted was to FUCK ALL OF YOU UP. Your obsession with me doesn’t even BEGIN to compare to my obsession with you.

So Michael Aquino and his groups training of me has been invaluable. As we’re all those rituals performed on me.

As an adult- I have TRULY fucked you.

Let me remind you of what you believe. You are GODS- remember? And gods don’t need to leach onto the power of angels.

They can’t help you anymore. Therefore- your rituals and control are falling short.

In the End- you will be blessed with your innermost desire- complete separation from God and Heaven.

The Darkness is all yours.


Oh- and by the way- the Fallen KNEW they couldn’t win- otherwise they would have at the 1st rebellion. They just wanted to take as many with them as they could this time.

So these promises that you all were going to rule were nothing but LIES.

Lies you fell for and deluded yourselves with.

So don’t feel bad that I helped fuck all of you over- cause the truth was you were all fucked LONG BEFORE me.

Have fun and knock yourselves out. The more you do right now is the more that will be returned to you in the end.

Some Twitter Postings By Me


It Really Doesn’t Matter Who Gets Voted In

It Seems Their Secrets ARE Coming Out Regarding This Child Trafficking Mess

And if I were looking to see who may have helped…


I Get Reports Like This From My Supporters All the Time

They are doing whatever they can to discourage people from reading what I am saying.

They Are Doing Their Best to Shut Me Up

Who I am fighting to expose this child trafficking crap my parents were involved is our government.

More specifically-the CIA.

It isn’t Doug Misicko aka Doug Mesner aka Satanic Temple founder Lucien Greaves and his minions-although they ARE involved.

But according to Shane Bugbee- Doug’s ex co founder- Doug is working with the CIA.

Jeffery Epstein wasn’t murdered by Doug. Our government did that.

Doug certainly didn’t give Epstein the sweetheart deal regarding his child trafficking crimes. That was our government.

Doug hasn’t made Ghislaine Maxwell fade from all media reporting. That has been our government.

This child trafficking ring Matt Gaetz has become ensnared in down in Florida where NOTHING has happened other than investigative reporter Timothy Holmseth being shut up and gagged by a protection order after trying to expose it isn’t being instrumented by Doug but rather by our government.

And it isn’t Doug who is blasting me with their directed energy weapons (D.E.W.). That is our government.

Weapons that Michigan, Maine, and Massachusetts have laws on their books that make it illegal for those same weapons being used against the general population.

And yet our national media refer to these weapons as the “Havana Syndrome” – insinuating they are being caused by some unknowable magic.

Most likely at the behest of our government.

Doug didn’t murder Issac Kappy- an outspoken defender of victims of unspeakable abuse- that was our government.

Issac made a video saying he was in no way suicidal and then- the very next day- he drove well over a 100 miles to jump off a bridge, despite living in LA- where there are a LOT of bridges.

Doug also wasn’t around in the 80s when all this child trafficking mess came out the first time- in the US, the UK, and Australia simultaneously.

But Michael Aquino and Ted Gunderson- both of who WERE IN the government at the time (Aquino was not only a high ranking military official but founder of the Temple of Set and Gunderson was an FBI director) are the ones who made it go away back then.

Doug IS after me. He and his minions have TONS of crap about me all over the internet doing their absolute best to trash me.

He has gotten on my blog and has changed God knows what- esp. with the extended version of my book.

The REAL Extended Version of Rabbit Hole: Confessions of an Anti Christ

If you want to know what they are so desperate to hide- compare the two versions to see what they removed.

But other than what happened 42 yrs ago with my nephew when I was 13 and having a psychotic break- they have nothing on me but lies.

This is the LAST Time I Will Deal with What Happened 40 Years Ago With My Nephew

Because there is nothing there. They have looked and looked and looked but have come up with nothing.

Because there IS nothing.

Which is why they tried to do the same thing to me as they did to Timothy Holmseth- taking a protection order out on me

However- the 15+ videos listed on that order, filed in Kent, WA and completely public, had absolutely NOTHING to do with the petioners but SOLELY and ONLY dealt with Doug.

Begging the question if there wasn’t a connection- how was this even possible.

I DO believe Doug is working with our government. He has a LONG history of openly attacking victims who come forward. But he isn’t working alone.

There is a LOT of money involved with this mess- and a LOT of the men involved with this mess in the 80s are STILL IN POWER today.

And victims are actively being silenced

I’m a perfect example of this fact.