Boebert is wrong- this ISN’T happening- but the Satanic Temple and it’s connection to insurectionists and fascists is what she and MTG are REALLY concerned about.
I have NO doubt “Chief Handler” is Doug Misicko aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple.
He is mad because his involvement with Nazis and Qanon seems to coming out into the light. But Nazis and Satanists have ALWAYS historically run hand in hand with each other.
Despite Doug’s assertions that he ISN’T really a Satanist.
My Chief of Police is in a mental facility ( my guess is drug rehab), Doug Mesner, aka Lucien Greaves, founder of the Satanic Temple, begs me to stop- and now this
Oh, and Doug- I’ve told you repeatedly the ONLY audience I care about is YOU AND YOUR HANDLERS. And I can tell that you all are suddenly starting to grasp the fact that I have been telling you the truth ALL THESE YEARS. More importantly- you are all starting to grasp that not a one of you can change what is here for you.
As I learned with my training- ANTICIPATION MAKES THE BLOOD SWEETER.
And for those of you too ego driven and ignorant to realize you should be frightened- that will change soon enough.
Aquino and his group were psychopathic Nazis- but they were BRILLIANT. And I was trained WELL. 😉
My local chief of police is in a mental facility and THIS guy is the one who helped them cover up their murder attempt of both me and my sister when they blew up that gas station in Earling.
I thought it was you but the MOMENT I said I wasn’t trying to expose the Temple of Set but rather the Satanic Temple- and you went from bribing and trying to coerce me that I realized it was DEFINITELY you who I woke to this threatening attack on me this morning.
A word to my opposition- if Zelensky IS correct and Putin is dead- then your side has lost and you are all aware of it. Places can’t be interchanged- and you can’t just change things mid flow just because you lost. All that work- all those promises- mean NOTHING now if Putin is dead.
And your False Prophet doesn’t have the same influence he once had. But he certainly has been effective on leading those so inclined into the Darkness.
And as far as the Darkness is concerned- THE MORE THE MERRIER. LMFAO