Here is a List of Events in My Life the Past 6 or 7 Yrs- This is Why I’m Focused the Way I Am


I Am Not the One You Need to Worry About

This video is for the group who is actively after me…


At The End, Michael Aquino Figured Out What I Did and How I Used My Training

be sure of what you hope for and certain of what you can not see- this is faith.

It IS a Spiritual War After All

To Shelby County IA Sheriff Neil Gross- If I Were You I’d Take This Video Quite Seriously

For what it’s worth, I know neither choice will be easy and I’m sorry- but I know you have it inside you to see this through correctly.

As Far as the Gas Station Explosion – This Was the 2nd Blast 9.5 Min After the First

<span;>I actually didn’t hear the first blast as I had JUST put my head under the water in a shower I had JUST gotten into.

All About that Gas Station Explosion

This Will Be The Last Video I Am Going to Do for the Foreseeable Future


This is a screen shot of Shane Bugbee’s article. Shane was co founder of the Satanic Temple along with Doug Misicko aka Doug Mesner aka Lucien Greaves, until Mr. Bugbee left. Here is why, in his own words…

And just for the record- I’ve neither reached out too nor have I ever spoken to Shane Bugbee but he found ME on Twitter and liked a few things…

And again – here is the NBC article about our Air Force going in front of Congress in 2006…

And here is the official government paperwork…

And here is a supposed pic of the machine, although I’ve never seen the weapons but have only suffered by it…

And here is the whole thing I did about Free Range Humans bs…

New Video- Dealing With the Free Range Humans Article- My Side

And this was the video that truly started everything in motion…although it happened in 76 when I was 10, and not in 79. This video when I was trying to put everything together and it wasn’t easy, esp. considering all the trauma surrounding it.

I Need Help in Solving a Murder/Murders

Yes I Keep My Local Law Officials Up to Date-

As little good that it does

New Video- Dealing With the Free Range Humans Article- My Side

Dealing With the Free Range Human’s Article

A few things I missed. This Free Range Human woman contacted ME- not the other way around. I had only spoken to her for a short while before Zachary came out to film my documentary. She set HIM up- convinced me he was bad- and I told him to leave. However- after the Free Range Human woman was gone- he returned and we DID my documentary.

And she never helped me with my book. Other than maybe reading it, she did NOT do ANYTHING to help publish it. That is what I paid my publisher for. COMPLETELY. To think she helped was laughable.

What she was is what the government calls a “honey pot”. She attracts her (their) mark- in this case me- ingratiates herself in every way she can in that person’s life, the more inappropriate the better- then works on getting as much information as she can (which is why she secretly recorded everyone in my house for 4 days- which she admits too). In the end- she goes out of her way to discredit the mark in any way she can. Which is what she is doing with this article that comes up when you google my name.

Like I’ve said before, if they thought telling people that I was a “7 headed hydra that ate small children in one bite” would keep people from listening to what I have said these many MANY years, they would tell people that I am a 7 headed hydra that eats small children in one bite. Anything to discredit me.

Need another example? Read the comments for my book on Amazon- the one that was nominated for book of the year in 2012. It is like people have read TWO DIFFERENT BOOKS. Just for the record, my book is NOT about gay sex, nor is it in any way about my sex life and was I NEVER a gay prostitute so it isn’t about me looking for redemption for being a gay prostitute because I have never BEEN a gay prostitute.

It’s THIS Kind of Thing that Got Lucien Greaves’s Pedophile Protection Squad to Make a Video Calling Me a Super Sorcerer

Matt Gaetz- this video should interest you.

What I claim in this video, in my past experience, will become self-evident sooner than later. But I wait with bated breath. LOL.

Just saying.

Oh, and it is NOT that I haven’t done what I explain in this video before- to a LOT of people. I just generally don’t see the reason to announce it. But in this case, obviously, I’ve made an exception.

Examples MUST be made.

Death is Coming- and Not Just for Me