It is an ugly truth_ one that is not all that hard to figure out if one could only be honest with themselves.
The fact that a group of parents who were accused of child molestation and horrible abuse got together and formed The False Memory Syndrome Foundation and gave us the two phrases “false memories” and “satanic panic” shows this.
Unless you believe all of the people who came forward were liars and the only ones telling the truth were the accused. And there were A LOT of parents coming forward in the 80s claiming their children were being abused in their daycares- thus the word PANIC. It was everywhere in the 80s.
In the US- in Australia- and in the UK- who, incidentally- got busted for covering THEIR allegations up. If the claims were so bogus- why spend the time, money, and effort to cover them up?
Our rich elite feel they are entitled to anything and everything they want. This includes the buying and selling of your children. It is a scary thought but none the less truth.
And they will murder anyone who tries to stand in their way. And the question shouldn’t be if our governments lie to us but rather do they ever tell us the truth?
And don’t for a moment think you are immune. I am a nobody and LOOK at the campaign they have going against me. It tells you anyone who falls within their sites is expendable. Is this activity- and those who engage in it- really the ones you want to put your allegiances with?
They serve themselves- and ONLY themselves. To protect them is to put your own children in danger. Is that how any of you truly want to lead your lives? REALLY?
Because I belive we are all better than that personally.