All posts for the month February, 2018

Just Discover Doug Mesner Somehow Put My YouTube Channel Back Up

I thought it was gone but I accidentally hit a button to find it was all back up. So I manually deleted the videos except for a few. This dude will stop at nothing to try and set me up. But good luck replacing them since I just manually deleted most all of the videos. […]

Could the Fire at Legal Aid in Lincoln NE Be Connected to This Child Trafficking Mess? It COULD just be coinsidence- but the fact that a fire just took out the Legal Aid floor in Lincoln NE- and ONLY the 8th floor at a time when people are talking about what happened in Omaha in the 80s can’t help but raise red flags for me. The fact that the fire […]

Why is Our Gov’t Lying About Earthquakes?

Dutchsinse is a geologist who reports earthquakes and volcanoes around the world- but is claiming the USGS is failing to report earthquakes that are hitting off the West Coast. The question is why? What is in scriptures is that in the end- we would hear of wars and rumors of wars- along with earthquakes and […]

Another Guy Just Like Doug Mesner

Just not near as bad… But claiming people like this and Mesner don’t exist is just deluding yourself… But Mesner likes to murder people- which is why he likes to use the name John Killrush- as he gets a rush from killing.

About The EMF in My House and the Reason Why

EMF stands for “electro magnetic frequency” which is what these DEW weapons (Directed energy weapons) that the Air Force told Congress about- affect and control. A normal safe level is under 50 but, as you can see, the levels in my house FAR exceed that. These are the same weapons that were used in our […]

The Simple Truth that Is For All of Us

The basic premise of worshipping the devil is exactly what Allister Crowley said… “Do as thou whilst” for the devil’s followers have deluded themselves into believing that they are gods. That they have the true power and that they are in contol- which is laughable because their power and influence has always been derived from […]

I Often Get Asked What People Can Do- Here is My Suggestion

Pray that love finds it’s way into their hearts. Prayer has power- and it works. And these people are motivated by the lack of love they feel for others- let alone for themselves. No one who has love in their hearts act the way they do and say what they say. It doesn’t work that […]

According to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children- A Child Disappears Every 27 Seconds and Yet No One Will Admit There is a Problem

Society is more apt to claim victims as liars rather than admit something evil is going on. Almost 800,000 children go missing a year but people just want to look away. Why? Because it makes them feel more comfortable. We don’t want to admit our system is so evil. But even our CPS has admitted […]

Exactly WHICH American’s Do You Think They Targeted?

And why after 12 years do you think these weapons are still secret?

They Are Targeting Fiona Barnett As They Are Me

They threaten and harass and work with our families that were involved in order to silence us. Our only crime was trying to expose this group that murders children. And it is never about what we reported but rather they focus on character assassination and threats against us. As well as anyone who supports us. […]