Julian Vane aka Satanic Views on Hoaxtead Claims I’m Afraid of Them (Yet Another Threat)

First Spineless Norman leaves this…

And then Satanic Views follows with this…

For someone in the UK- he sure does seem to know my geography. Wonder who he knows in Kent- which right down the road from me.

Of course the dude has openly admitted he gets continuely called out by the police for sending threats to people so…

They claim I’m afraid of them- but when I confront them they block me and run away. Like Spineless did on YouTube.

I publish their shit all the time so how am I giving the impression that I am afraid of their pathetic asses?

But I’ll put their stupid shit out there since they are so desperate for me to acknowledge them. LMFAO

Oh-and I guess my screen shot didn’t catch his “red rum red rum” comment under the Shining clip he posted, but he was kind enough to bring it to my attention…

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