Doug Mesner/CIA satanist Lucien Greaves Concerning Inspector Turner and the Murder Of Lori King and Other Stuff…



Omaha is CALLING OUT to be exposed lol. And I for one am going to head that call. Seth Rich tried- I am going to make sure that noble act was NOT in vain…
but you know- in saying that- it makes me wonder- what exactly DID Seth put out there? I mean- there MUST be a reason that Assange was taken out. What exactly IS in all of that shit? THAT is the question I PERSONALLY would like answered. Considering Seth was from Omaha and all…
and the bogus pizzagate bullshit put out by our govt. What EXACTLY are they trying to hide?



So- my question is- sitting here by myself on a sunny and cold winters day- is that with all of their posturing- and game playing- do they REALLY think that is going to change what they taught me to do- and the spells that they cast? Because correct me if I am wrong- but once the energy is cast- there is NO drawing it back. And it makes no difference who believes me or who doesn’t believe me- it DOESN’T negate what I was trained to do- and it CERTAINLY doesn’t negate the fact that I have become VERY good at it. THAT is the most beautiful part of this whole thing- because what I KNOW to be true can NOT be influenced by ANY amount of gaslighting- and it ISN’T dependent on public opinion- and it WORKS whether anyone likes it or not. You want proof Mesner- PLEASE- just ask. Not that it is necessary- but it makes it SO much more fun. And it would be my PLEASURE.


You have to remember- this group that we are dealing with- eats its own. And the darkness that is fueling society right now is ESP. feeding them. They are beginning to fray around the edges- all of them. Look and you can see. But there is NO LOYALTY among thieves- and the paranoia that is building is PRICELESS. Because no one knows what anyone is going to say next. lol. The Order wanted a war- so Heaven is working with the darkness to give them exactly that. But what they are about to experience is the REAL version of what was depicted in Jacob’s Ladder when Jacob got stabbed. The darkness is WAY more effective than LSD AND it’s effects have proven 100% effective. So I hope they want to play with the darkness because the darkness most definitely IS going to play with them. All ready is actually. And all I want to say is “have fun fuckers”…


You know- regarding Mark and Walt- and this argument that I am defending pedophiles- you need to understand how I see it.
Mark Anderson and Walt Carlson- from what I saw- were INNOCENT. The pedophile protection squad goes ON AND ON about “innocent” people being convicted of crimes against children in this supposed “witch hunt”- but when it comes to Mark and Walt- as far as this pedophile protection squad is concerned- THEY ARE GUILTY- PERIOD. And not only that- where it concerns Omaha- THEY WERE THE ONLY GUILTY ONES.
Which is so ridiculous that it doesn’t even deserve recognition.
So they can take their argument that I am defending pedophiles and shove it up their child fucking asses- because in MY view- Mark and Walt were FALL GUYS- chosen because they were TOO FUCKING POOR TO FIGHT BACK.
NOTHING about the “official” story about Franklin is real- and this situation MOST ASSUREDLY fits that. Mark and Walt WERE VICTIMS OF THIS- JUST AS I WAS.
And considering that David Klotz was my best friend- as were Mark and Walt- I can’t say for certain that it wasn’t BECAUSE of me that they didn’t meet their fates. Because when the week that Franklin went down- it was like NUCLEAR FUCKING BOMBS BEING DROPPED IN MY LIFE.
But it is no matter- because I am going to deal with it regardless. Go ahead Dougy- play with me. You have enjoyed it SO MUCH in the past. But I am COUNTING ON YOU to help me expose Franklin as the FUCKING HOAX THAT IT IS.


Ask yourselves this question. If YOU were Donald Trump- running for office- and knew that your opponent was HEAVILY INVOLVED with child trafficking- would YOU focus on it to win and save children? If so- why didn’t he? MAYBE because he has is OWN issues concerning all of this? Otherwise THIS would have been ALL that we heard from him. JUDGING BASED ON HIS OWN BEHAVIOR SHOWS US THIS. REGARDLESS of WHERE the info originated, WHY he didn’t delve more into this is the issue…


So in reading Doug Mesner/ satanist Lucien Greaves comments on the newest hoaxtead research article- it seems to me that he is under the impression that if he can prove Bonnaci is fake- WHICH HE IS- that means that all of Franklin will be proven fake. But he can take the official psych ops story and run it into the ground for all I care. Does he REALLY think that his stupid game is going to convince those of us in Omaha- and there are MANY of us- who remember and knew what was going on- that we are all having “false memories” because his lying fake ass- (his name ISN’T Justin Sanity lol) claims we are is? What is he going to do- use his weird ass eye to hypnotize us? His CIA ass is pathetic- and the fact that he runs around thinking no one can see his game is sad.

Oh- and just in case you are wondering who “SV” is…



SO FOR ALL OF YOU RESEARCHERS OUT THERE… I am looking for a specific video that has been removed from YouTube concerning Noreen Gosch on the Michael Corbin show where Jeff Gannon called in while Noreen was being interviewed. The rest of the series is there- but this one segment is completely missing. Someone HAS to have a copy of these interviews- and it is this SPECIFIC segment that I am looking for and I KNOW it exists because I have personally listened to it myself. I am actually looking for someone else- who has watched it REPEATEDLY- and now can’t seem to find it anywhere.
Thanks for your help…
“On July 8, 2005 Jeff Gannon called into the radio program A Closer Look hosted by Michael Corbin and agreed to take a DNA test to prove he was not the missing boy. As of June 2006 Gannon has not taken the test even though the offer remains open with Johnny’s mom Noreen Gosch. [1] On May 10, 2006 occult author William H. Kennedy was a guest on A Closer Look and renewed the offer for Gannon to take the DNA test with Norren Gosch”


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