All posts for the month December, 2015

2nd Interview with Fiona Barnett and David Shurter on Cancel the Cabal

New Interview with Fiona Barnett and David Shurter

Regarding the Internet Site “Hoaxtead”

It seems that there is a WordPress blog out there called Hoaxtead that has basically been set up to trash the mother of the Hampstead children Ella-and her partner Abe. I finally looked at the site tonight and I want to give my impressions of everything I have read. First off- it doesn’t deal […]

12 Days of Hampstead

A Warning to All Who Love and Promote the Darkness

lol- there are some bad people on my Facebook so this message is for you. You can play all the games you want- gossip all you can- talk crap and play games- but NOTHING will change what is coming for you. You either come clean- or you will be claimed by the darkness. Your little […]

Video Sent to Me Dealing with Child Trafficking in Hampstead