“You are a nut. I am sure Northern Natural Gas would not have noticed there truck was gone or the mileage on it after it went on a trip to St Joseph Minnesota., a 800 mile round trip. Companies keep track of mileage and fuel purchases. By the early 1990’s hundred of thousands of white […]
Argument Presented on Craigslist about My Post this Morning
Our Family’s Vehicles in Relation to Child Abductions
My father, Robert Lynn Shurter Jr., drove a big blue Northern Propane utility truck- and when I spoke to the Jacob Wetterling foundation about my concerns about my father being involved, I was told that a big blue truck was indeed involved with the abduction. Another car familiar with these abductions is a white Oldsmobile. […]
Another Connection to the Johnny Gosch Abduction and My Family
Funny- the Ford station wagon that Noreen Gosch describes, not only in her son’s abduction, but also Jacob Wetterling’s abduction in Minnesota was EXACTLY like the one my father Robert Lynn Shurter Jr. and his wife Joanne C. Shurter owned- although I am sure that they probably didn’t register it under their names but used […]