I Need Help at this Juncture in Time

If you are so inclined- I am asking that people give me their thoughts and prayers as I try to muddle my way through trying to get Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story out to the people.  I would also like it if you shared your thoughts with others, and again, if you feel so inclined- recommend that they check out the book on Amazon.

There is a new development in this camp- which I find incredibly exciting.  A friend of ours, our moved to LA some time ago- actually writes screenplays for a living and has agreed to check out Rabbit Hole to see if a script could be written for it.  They shall remain nameless, as I don’t see the need for them to get a harassing letter from my stepmother and her cousin/lawyer, but if you could just send a prayer my way about this- it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Knowledge is Power, and Power is in the people.  That is what I believe anyway.  So please- I am asking for all of you out there to help me promote Rabbit Hole, in order to bring a much needed change to the system.

Thank you!!

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